How Understanding and Managing Soil Organic Matter Can Improve Beef Cattle Production
How Understanding and Managing Soil Organic Matter Can Improve Beef Cattle Production
Beef cattle production is directly affected by soils, but active soil management is limited. Most producers' soil management decisions are limited to submitting a soil sample, getting the analysis back, and then applying the tons of fertilizer or lime recommended at the bottom of the sheet. Meanwhile, producers request assistance to reduce or eliminate mud, weeds, gully erosion, and compaction (if they have identified compacted ground). Occasionally, producers don't have enough forage or hay to get cattle through drought or winter because of low forage production. These issues may have little to do with soil fertility but instead be directly related to soil properties.
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Publication Date
Aug. 6, 2020
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© 2025 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment