Extension Publications
Extension Publications

Irrigation Tips to Conserve Water and Grow a Healthy Lawn

Irrigation Tips to Conserve Water and Grow a Healthy Lawn

AGR-115: Irrigation Tips to Conserve Water and Grow a Healthy Lawn

Authored by: Brad Lee Gregg Munshaw

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The goal of water conservation in the landscape does not need to be as drastic as eliminating all irrigation, but we should choose plant material wisely and decide if and when irrigation is necessary. This publication is designed to promote a healthy lawn through watering while promoting water conservation through best management practices. One of the easiest things you can do to reduce the need for irrigation in your yard is to plant species that naturally need less water. When choosing plants, remember that just because a particular plant is drought tolerant does not mean that it is suitable for Kentucky's climate.

Core Details

Publication ID



Major Revision

Publication Date

Nov. 11, 2014


Multi-Part Series


Categorical Details




Peer Reviewed?


Contact Information

Tawana Brown
Associate Director, Educational Publications

361 Blazer Dining 343 S. Martin Luther King Blvd. Lexington, KY 40526-0012

+1 (859) 257-7566
