Extension Publications
Extension Publications

Selecting the Right Grass for Your Kentucky Lawn

Selecting the Right Grass for Your Kentucky Lawn

AGR-52: Selecting the Right Grass for Your Kentucky Lawn

Authored by: Gregg Munshaw Travis Shaddox

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The best grass for your lawn is not necessarily the one you like the best, but the one that is best adapted to where you live and will take less work and fewer inputs (water, fertilizer, pesticides). Many people think that since Kentucky is the "Bluegrass State," it's best to grow Kentucky bluegrass across our state. Actually, Kentucky bluegrass is only marginally adapted to our climate and can require more inputs to keep an appealing lawn than some other choices. In general, Kentucky bluegrass can be an option for parts of central and eastern Kentucky, while zoysiagrass may be a better option in western Kentucky. Tall fescue is adapted to the entire state so is a good choice for most locations. Perennial ryegrasses and fine fescues are occasionally useful in different areas of the state, depending on specific conditions.

Core Details

Publication ID



Major Revision

Publication Date

Aug. 29, 2019


Multi-Part Series


Categorical Details




Peer Reviewed?


Contact Information

Tawana Brown
Associate Director, Educational Publications

361 Blazer Dining 343 S. Martin Luther King Blvd. Lexington, KY 40526-0012

+1 (859) 257-7566
