Extension Publications
Extension Publications

Three-year Average Weekly Prices at Kentucky Farmers Markets: 2014-2016

Three-year Average Weekly Prices at Kentucky Farmers Markets: 2014-2016

CCD-FS-3: Three-year Average Weekly Prices at Kentucky Farmers Markets: 2014-2016

Authored by: Martin Bechu Alex Butler Brett Wolff Tim Woods

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This report compares average prices for 17 crops from Kentucky farmers markets across the 2014, 2015, and 2016 seasons. Farmers markets are inherently difficult to track and compare. For example, vendors at markets from across the state sell the same products in a wide variety of units. Do you want to buy your beets by the pound, quart, bunch, or bulb? What about broccoli? By the head, pound, ounce, pint or "bag"? Beyond units, farmers markets also offer immense varietal and crop diversity, sold by vendors with a wide range of experience, in a variety of market conditions. These conditions, crops and other variables also change by season. For the first time, recognizing the caveats of slight crop differences and unit harmonization, we have assembled 3‐year average prices in hopes of drawing out some trends in our Kentucky Farmers Market prices.

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Publication Date

Apr. 27, 2017


Multi-Part Series


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Contact Information

Tawana Brown
Associate Director, Educational Publications

361 Blazer Dining 343 S. Martin Luther King Blvd. Lexington, KY 40526-0012

+1 (859) 257-7566
