Marketing Fresh Produce to Food Retailers (Grocery Stores)
Marketing Fresh Produce to Food Retailers (Grocery Stores)
The food retail industry saw a renaissance of interest in local and regional sourcing of fresh fruits and vegetables during the 2000s. This interest came within an industry characterized by heavy investment in fewer and larger centralized distribution centers. Although the distribution center model remains prominent within the food retail industry, some retailers have created flexibility within their distribution models to answer consumer demand for local produce. Large retailers are also finding transportation and distribution cost savings by sourcing fresh produce items from new or expanding producers. Smaller chains and local grocers remain potential markets for fresh produce growers expanding to wholesale volumes. Producers of value-added produce products may also find local groceries a possible market for their product.
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Publication Date
Feb. 1, 2018
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© 2025 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment