Extension Publications
Extension Publications

Parent Express: A Guide for You and Your Child 15 and 16 Months

Parent Express: A Guide for You and Your Child 15 and 16 Months

FCS7-154: Parent Express: A Guide for You and Your Child 15 and 16 Months

Authored by: Carol Gnatuk

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Help your child explore her world. A 15- or 16-month-old child moves fast. She crawls, scoots, and walks. How exciting it is for her! Her world is full of new things to touch, throw, climb on--and to fall from or knock down. Your quiet, cuddly baby has become a lively little person, and that means you have to be lively, too.

Core Details

Publication ID



Minor Revision

Publication Date

Oct. 14, 2009


Categorical Details

Publication Area



Peer Reviewed?


Contact Information

Tawana Brown
Associate Director, Educational Publications

361 Blazer Dining 343 S. Martin Luther King Blvd. Lexington, KY 40526-0012

+1 (859) 257-7566
