ISSUED: 5-90
G.L.M. Chappelll
Kentucky has the resources necessary
for successful sheep production. We have a vast forage production potential,
under utilized-labor and facilities and access to a well-established market.
Many Kentucky farmers should consider the sheep enterprise and its many
benefits, particularly producers striving to make more efficient use of
forages, labor and facilities. In developing this enterprise we must consider:
feed supply, labor, facilities and equipment, foundation stock and the
production program.
Feed Supply
More marketable product can be produced
from sheep on forage than any other farm animal. Forages can supply up
to 90% of the total feed in a sheep program.
In planning a program, establish the
annual carrying capacity (the number of animals a forage plan will support
for a year, including pasture and hay). Carrying capacity is expressed
in animal units. Under Kentucky conditions, a beef cow requires approximately
1 ton of hay and 4 tons of pasture dry matter per year. The ewe's annual
requirement is 0.3 ton of hay and 0.5 ton of pasture dry matter. Therefore,
1 cow equals 6-7 ewes. A forage program capable of supporting 25 cows annually
will provide feed for 150-175 ewes.
Because of their grazing habits, cattle
and sheep complement each other in grazing forage. Sheep graze the shorter,
finer material while cattle graze taller, coarser growth. One could normally
expect to add a ewe per cow grazed and not increase the amount of pasture
land required. The additional feed required would be 600 lb of hay and
necessary concentrates.
The quality of forage needed for sheep
is as important as the amount. The quality required is related to the flock's
stage of production.
Nutrient requirements are highest for
ewes in late gestation and early lactation. They need high quality hay,
corn silage and/or some cover crop or accumulated grazing from late November
to late March. Hay produced for sheep should be at least 50% legume and
contain a minimum of 12-14% crude protein. Fifty percent grass-legume,
alfalfa, clover or other pure legumes are excellent sheep hays when harvested
early without weather damage and stored to prevent spoilage.
The lactating ewe and the fast-growing
lamb need large amounts of high quality forage from April to June. Cool
season grasses (fescue, orchardgrass or bluegrass) supply the earliest
grazing. Later grazing in this important period can come from renovated
The mature, dry, non-pregnant ewe requires
only a maintenance level of nutrition. After ewes have recovered any excessive
weight loss from lactation, they need only to maintain or increase their
weight slightly until 6 weeks prior to lambing. The ewe should graze lower
quality forages in June and July to prevent excessive weight gains. When
weight gains are excessive, grazing time or the area grazed needs to be
Fall grazing may be provided by accumulated
fescue, orchardgrass or bluegrass, renovated pastures, hay meadows or cover
A successful forage program for sheep
provides 600 lb of high quality hay/ewe/year and some supplemental winter
grazing if possible and large quantities of high quality forage for lactating
ewes and lambs growing to market weights (April through June). Lower quality
forages can be used in summer and early fall for dry ewes.
When hay containing at least 50% legumes
is used in a sheep feeding program, the primary source of supplemental
concentrates is corn. The corn required/ewe/year may vary from 1-1/2 to
5 bushels depending on the feeding program. The following are typical rations
used in a sheep program.
160 lb ewe - last 6 weeks of gestation
4-5 lb of alfalfa hay
0.5 lb shelled corn
140 lb ewe - first 8 to 10 weeks of lactation
4-5 lb of alfalfa hay
1.0 lb shelled corn (single lamb)
1.5 lb shelled corn (twin lambs)
Creep rations for lambs
89% coarsely ground shelled corn
10% soybean meal
1% antibiotic (supplying 2 grams active
material/100 lb ration)
The labor required/ewe/year amounts
to 5-7 hours in a 25-30 ewe flock or 2.5-3.0 hours/ewe in a 200 ewe flock.
Here are the labor requirements for a January-February lambing flock.
January-February: General feeding, feed mixing, bedding, barn
cleaning, observing and sorting off ewes as they lamb, observing ewes and
lambs in lambing pens, docking, castrating, vaccination, record keeping.
March-June: Observe sheep daily, move to fresh pasture as needed,
shear, sort, grade and market lambs, cull ewes, trim feet, drench.
July-September: Observe sheep daily, move to fresh pasture as
needed, crutch ewes, prepare rams for breeding, keep breeding records.
October-November: Observe sheep daily, drench, move to fresh
pasture as needed.
December: Observe sheep daily, start grain feeding, prepare
barn for winter feeding and lambing.
The labor you use in your sheep enterprise
must be timely and precise. Planning and proper equipment increase labor
efficiency. Many jobs can be combined: drenching, foot trimming, foot care
and crutching, for example.
Shearing is a special labor consideration.
You can hire shearers or you may want to learn to shear your sheep.
Facilities and Equipment
Housing - Sheep can be easily housed in unused tobacco barns
or similar structures. Inexpensive feeders, a water source and some small
gates are all that you need as basic equipment. The ewes are separated
as they lamb into 4' by 4' lambing pens for 3 to 4 days after lambing.
From these pens they can be moved to a nursery pen for a few days and then
moved to the pen for ewes with singles and the pen for ewes with twins.
The ewes with twins need extra feed. If a stripping room is available in
the bam, you can use it as an office and for storage during lambing.
Other large equipment needed are a foot bath and some gates to
form a working area for handling and sorting sheep.
Basic fencing requirements can be met by using conventional woven
wire or high tensile electric for boundary fencing and electric fence for
cross or interior fence.
Small equipment required includes drench guns, syringes, foot
trimmers, electric clippers and related items.
The following recommendations on space
requirements can guide you as you plan sheep facilities. All space listed
is usable space exclusive of feeder and feed storage which is listed later.
Pen Space
Ewes - 10 to 14 sq ft/head
Ewes with lambs - 16 to 20 sq ft/unit
Weaned lambs - 8 to 10 sq ft/head
Lambing pens - 16 sq ft/pen
1 pen/6 ewes in flocks under 100 head
1 pen/8 ewes in flocks over 100 head
Lot area
35 to 50 sq ft/adult sheep
Creep area
2 sq ft/lamb
Feeder space
Ewe |
60 lb+ & Lamb |
Self-fed |
10-12 inches |
3-4 inches |
Hand-fed |
16-20 inches |
9-12 inches |
Waterer space
8 to 10 head/ft of perimeter or 25-35 head/automatic waterer
Feed storage
Hay and bedding 350 cu ft/ton
Concentrate 1.25 cu ft/bushel
Using these data, the space required
for a one ram flock (35 ewes) including pen space, lambing pens and feed
storage is about 1,200 sq ft (a 32 x 40 ft barn). While 100 ewes require
3,200 sq ft (a 40 x 80 ft barn).
Foundation Stock - Selecting Your Ewes
Ewes selected for fall, winter and
early spring lambing programs (December-January, February-March) should
carry some fine wool breeding (Rambouillet) or Dorset breeding since the
major breeding season for these programs is April through October. Some
increase in lambing rate, milk production and mothering ability can be
expected from crossbred ewes. Ewes of fine wool x black faced (Suffolk,
Hampshire) breeding are normally available from the Southwestern and Northwestern
US. Limited numbers of crossbred ewes of Finnsheep breeding may also be
available. This litter-bearing breed shows promise of increasing lambing
Consider age when you select ewes.
Ewe lambs and yearling ewes are normally available in uniform groups and
should produce 5 or 6 lamb crops. They are more difficult to breed and
experience more lambing problems than mature ewes. Older ewes offer the
advantage of fewer lambing problems and cheaper price, but may have other
problems and a shorter production life.
Use a thorough systematic approach to selection including the following
Eyes - The eyes should be clear, bright and both should be functional.
Mouth - When records are not available as to the age of sheep,
the incisor (front) teeth in the lower jaw serve as a reliable indicator
of age up to 4 years. Some variation in the time of appearance of permanent
teeth reduces the accuracy of the estimate.
The lamb has 20 temporary (milk) teeth.
Adult sheep have 32 permanent teeth. The 8 front incisor teeth are used
to determine age. At 10-15 months the lamb's 2 center temporary, narrow
incisor teeth are replaced by 2 broad permanent teeth. The second pair
of permanent teeth (one on either side of the yearling teeth) come in at
20-30 months of age. The 3 year old teeth come through at 34 to 40 months
of age and the "full" mouth (8 incisors) appears at 48 months.
After a sheep becomes full-mouthed,
the age cannot be told accurately, but the teeth tend to develop a "long"
appearance due to receding gums. The teeth also "shoe-peg," becoming wider
apart at their inner borders as the sheep gets older. The front teeth should
be flush with the dental pad which serves as the upper chewing surface
in the front of the sheep's mouth. The teeth should not extend far out
over the pad or vice versa.
Feet - When sheep's feet are properly trimmed, they stand squarely
on them. Trim overgrown feet early in the pasture season. The feet should
be free of disease. Legs and pasterns should be straight and strong and
all joints free of stiffness.
Udder - The udder of ewes which have been in production should
be soft, pliable and free of lumps. Check teats to eliminate ewes with
abnormally large or unproductive teats due to disease or injury.
Wool - As with ewes with large amount of black fiber, avoid ewes
with excessive head wool, which may lead to "wool blindness."
Size - Ewe size has been shown to be related to productivity.
Selection for large ewes can be expected to increase percent lamb crop.
Ewes of larger mature size should also be expected to produce faster growing
lambs than smaller ewes.
Condition - Avoid excessively fat ewes since over-condition may
reduce reproductive efficiency. Ewes which lamb early and wean their lambs
during the peak season of pasture production can become too fat unless
properly managed. Likewise, poor producing and barren ewes fed in amounts
above their nutrient requirements can be expected to become too fat.
Health - All sheep should be free of disease, internal and external
parasites. Always buy foundation stock early enough to allow for a suitable
"isolation period" to prevent the spread of disease or parasites throughout
the flock. Ewes accustomed to their surroundings should be expected to
breed and settle more readily than "new arrivals."
Rams used as terminal sires of slaughter
lambs should be selected for size, muscling and soundness. Mature size
of rams is positively related to growth rate in their lambs, so above average
size rams should always be selected as market lamb sires. The high-priced
cuts in a lamb carcass are the loin and leg, so rams should be heavy muscled
in these areas. Rams should be free of disease and able to walk without
stiffness in feet or legs.
The ram's age affects the number of
ewes he will breed in a season. The following are suggested guidelines:
well-grown ram lambs 15-25 ewes, yearling rams 25-35 ewes and rams 2 to
5 years old 25-50 ewes. Older rams are best suited for smaller numbers
of ewes in a restricted area.
Hampshire and Suffolk rams are used
extensively as sires of slaughter lambs. White-faced (Rambouillet, Rambouillet-Finn
cross, Dorset, Dorset-Finn cross) rams may be best when replacements are
saved from the flock.
The Production System
Once you evaluate your resources and
production goals, you should develop a production system. The 3 systems
illustrated each require unique resources and management.
•The fall lambing program, for example,
requires specific genetics to be successful.
•The spring lambing production program
requires precise internal parasite control and forage management.
•The systems may be combined to increase
A successful sheep enterprise requires
a feed supply that allows the ewe, ram and lambs to perform all their productive
functions. Labor requirements for sheep are usually greatest when other
farm labor is minimal. Usable facilities are essential to success. Selecting
breeding stock that will perform to the producers' expectations is critical
to the enterprise's economic success. The manager should develop and fine
tune a basic production system.
Table 1 - Yearly Sheep Operation Calendar
- Fall Lambing
Table 2 - Yearly Sheep Operation Calendar
- Winter Lambing
Table 3 - Yearly Sheep Operation Calendar
- Spring Lambing