ISSUED: 11-90
Prepared by Monte P. Johnson 1 and Thomas Barnes 2
1 Department of Entomology, University of Kentucky
2 Forestry Department, University of Kentucky
This publication is designed to help
landowners, land managers, planners and developers understand the Federal
Endangered Species Act so they can plan, design and implement farming,
land development or other practices in harmony with the environment.
Animals or plants are classified as
endangered if they face extinction throughout all or a large part of their
range. Plants or animals are classified as threatened if they are likely
to become endangered in the foreseeable future. Only a few animals and
plants in Kentucky are endangered. Several animals, like the white-tailed
deer, are more abundant today than at any other time during history.
Animals and plants can be abundant,
common, rare, threatened or endangered in different parts of their ranges.
For example, the American alligator has been classified as endangered or
threatened in some areas, whereas in other areas it is abundant and may
be legally harvested under the supervision of the state wildlife agency.
The number and types of animals and plants listed as threatened or endangered
changes constantly because new species are added or others are deleted.
Unfortunately, species are usually removed from the list because they have
become extinct. The list provided in this publication is subject to change.
The most current information on endangered and threatened species in your
area may be obtained by contacting the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, the Kentucky State
Nature Preserves Commission or the Cooperative Extension Service.
Why Protect Endangered and Threatened Species?
A primary reason for establishing laws
to maintain rare plant and animal species is that our life support system
depends on animals and plants. Most species cannot live in all types of
habitats (environments). Each has to have some specific qualifications
before it can occupy a given habitat. Ecologically speaking, each has a
special position or role that it plays in relation to other animals and
plants which is called a "niche". This is why it is so difficult to move
some species from one habitat to another. The specific "niche" which they
would fit into may already be occupied by another species, and/or specific
qualifications needed cannot be met by the new habitat. We cannot predict
what losing one species will do to the ecological balance of nature and
our life support systems. Endangered species then act as important environmental
barometers warning us that ecosystems may be unhealthy.
There are many other reasons for saving
endangered species. All of our domesticated plant and animal species --
including corn, rice, beans and peas -- came from wild ancestors. Genetic
material from these unique living things is now used to revitalize species
that have been domesticated for centuries. It is very important to preserve
this genetic diversity for these present uses as well as for unseen future
applications. Each year, new species of plants and animals are discovered,
cultivated, harvested or raised for human use. In addition, new uses of
obscure plants and animals are discovered as we understand more about life
Other practical reasons for saving
endangered and threatened species are the unique biochemical secrets contained
in a plant or animal. These chemical or genetic factories have given us
over half our modern medicines that treat numerous ailments. When a species
becomes extinct, its particular biochemical information is lost forever.
In addition to practical reasons for
maintaining rare species, many people believe there are ethical and moral
reasons for maintaining endangered and threatened species. Once, land ownership
had strictly economic objectives with privileges but no obligations. Today,
an increasing number of citizens and landowners believe it is the landowner's
obligation to be a good steward of the land. In this sense, the "land"
means the entire living community of animals, plants, soils and water.
A landowner or land manager makes decisions critical to the fate of living
things that are considered common property of us all. In addition, most
endangered species were forced into their precarious position because of
our activities on the land. Because we are responsible for increased species
endangerment, we should also be responsible for species preservation for
future generations. Thus federal and state laws have been enacted to protect
endangered and threatened species and their habitats.
The Endangered Species Act
Congress passed the Endangered Species
Act (ESA) in 1973 and amended it in 1988. The ESA protects and conserves
animals, plants and their habitats that are threatened or in danger of
becoming extinct throughout all or a significant portion of their range.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is mandated to protect endangered and
threatened species. The ESA established the lengthy, comprehensive process
used to identify and classify species that are endangered or threatened.
The ESA requires that a plan be developed to:
•actively conserve endangered species
which provides for site-specific management actions to achieve their survival;
•allow species to be removed from the
list when objective, measurable criteria are met; and
•estimate financial costs and time
required to meet those goals.
The law requires that the "critical habitat" the species needs to survive
be protected.
The intent of the ESA has never been
to stop construction projects, farming, forestry or other projects. Rather,
it seeks to ensure that measures safeguarding endangered and threatened
species and their habitats are included in project design, construction
and operation.
Each federal agency, such as the Department
of Agriculture or Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), ensures that their
activities are not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of any
endangered or threatened species or result in any severe modification or
destruction of their habitat. The EPA is responsible for regulating the
use of pesticides. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is responsible for
providing biological opinions upon the interactions of specific pesticides
and endangered species at risk. Because some pesticides may harm such species,
EPA has been developing an Endangered Species Protection Program (ESPP)
to protect vulnerable species and their habitats from the effects of pesticides.
EPA began developing this program in 1982 and published their initial proposal
in 1987 and in 1988. The proposal has since undergone revision and now
concentrates on providing the best protection for threatened and endangered
species by focusing on the species themselves. To minimize impacts on pesticide
users, EPA will evaluate pesticides with emphasis on lower application
rates as opposed to complete prohibition of use.
Endangered and threatened species in
Kentucky most likely to be affected by pesticide use include bats, mussels,
Mammoth cave shrimp, red-cockaded woodpeckers and plants. Adverse pesticide
use can affect these species for several reasons, thus precautions should
be taken when spraying pesticides. An example would be the hazard of pesticides
contaminating streams which are the homes to mussels. These organisms are
filter-feeders which require clean, free-flowing water to survive. Pesticide
runoff into these streams may either directly kill the mussels or indirectly
affect them by contaminating their food supply.
Section 9 of the Endangered Species
Act of 1973, amended in 1988, states that it is unlawful for any person
subject to the jurisdiction of the United States to "take any endangered
species within the United States. Any person who knowingly violates this
provision under section 11 of the Endangered Species Act ( 1 ) may be assessed
a civil penalty of not more than $25,000 for each violation or imprisoned
for not more than 6 months, or both; ( 2 ) upon conviction of a criminal
violation, shall be fined not more than $50,000 or imprisoned for not more
than 1 year, or both."
"Take" is defined as to harass, harm,
pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture or collect, or attempt
to engage in such conduct.
Regulations define "harass" as an intentional
or negligent act or omission which creates the likelihood of injury to
wildlife by annoying it to such an extent as to significantly disrupt normal
behavioral patterns which include, but are not limited to, breeding, feeding
or sheltering.
Regulations define "harm" as an act
which actually kills or injures wildlife. Such act may include significant
habitat modification or degradation where it actually kills or injures
wildlife by significantly impairing essential behavioral patterns, including
breeding, feeding or sheltering.
Pesticide misapplications may be considered
either harassing or harming wildlife in the context of these definitions.
Provisions of the Endangered Species Protection Program
1. Labels and Bulletins -- Genetic label statements instruct
pesticide users to consult county bulletins for use limitations. Bulletins
will be updated annually, if needed. (Note: County bulletins currently
are not available.)
2. State Involvement- Some states are developing their own endangered
species protection programs; others are developing education and training
programs and maps which define affected habitats.
3. Pilots -- Pilot ( interim ) programs will evaluate the feasibility
of the program and determine the best methods for distributing information
and gaining cooperation.
4. Timing -- When implementing enforceable measures to protect
listed species from pesticides, the EPA will issue Pesticide Registration
(PR) Notices to the registrants of effected pesticide products to modify
their products' labeling.
5. Exemption of Public Health Emergencies -- The program also
provides for an exemption for indoor uses in the case of a public health
emergency where expeditious control of disease vectors, such as mosquitoes
and fleas, is required.
Kentucky's Endangered and Threatened Species List*
Common Name |
Scientific Name |
Federal Status |
Crustaceans |
Mammoth Cave Shrimp |
Palaemonias ganteri |
Endangered |
Mussels |
Fanshell |
Cyprogenia stegaria |
Endangered |
Catspaw |
Epioblasma obliquata obliquata |
Endangered |
Ring Pink |
Obovaria retusa |
Endangered |
Pink Mucket |
Lampsilis abrupta |
Endangered |
Little-wing Pearlymussel |
Pegias fabula |
Endangered |
Orange-foot Pimpleback |
Plethobasus cooperianus |
Endangered |
Rough Pigtoe |
Pleurobema plenum |
Endangered |
Fat Pocketbook |
Potamilus capax |
Endangered |
Cumberland Bean Mussel |
Villosa trabalis |
Endangered |
Northern Riffleshell |
Epioblasma tarulosa rangiana |
Endangered |
Clubshell |
Pleurobema clava |
Endangered |
Fish |
Blackside Dace |
Phoxinus cumberlandensis |
Threatened |
Palezone Shiner |
Notropis sp. |
Endangered |
Pallid Sturgeon |
Scaphirhynchus albus |
Endangered |
Birds |
Bald Eagle |
Haliaeetus leucocephalus |
Endangered |
Red-cockaded Woodpecker |
Picoides borealis |
Endangered |
Interior Least Tern |
Sterna antillarum athalassos |
Endangered |
Mammals |
Gray Myotis (bat) |
Myotis grisescens |
Endangered |
Indiana Myotis (bat) |
Myotis sodalis |
Endangered |
Virginia Big-eared Bat |
Plecotus townsendii virginianus |
Endangered |
Insects |
American Burying Beetle |
Nicrophorus americanus |
Endangered |
Plants |
Price's Potato-bean |
Apios priceana |
Threatened |
Cumberland Sandwort |
Minvartia cumberlandensis |
Endangered |
Cumberland Rosemary |
Conradina verticillata |
Threatened |
White-haired Goldenrod |
Solidago albopilosa |
Threatened |
Short's Goldenrod |
Solidago shortii |
Endangered |
Virginia Spiraea |
Spiraea virginiana |
Threatened |
Running Buffalo Clover |
Trifolium stoloniferum |
Endangered |
Chaffseed |
Schwalbea americana |
Endangered |
*Source: Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission
Photographs courtesy of Mr. John MacGregor, U.S. Forest Service, U.S.D.A.
Berea, Kentucky.
Special thanks to the following people who reviewed draft manuscripts:
R. R. Hannan, Director, Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission; J.
R. MacGregor, U.S. Forest Service, Berea, Kentucky; and L H. Townsend,
Pesticide Applicator Training Coordinator, Department of Entomology, University
of Kentucky.
Additional Extension educational materials available:
VIDEOTAPES -- Applying Pesticides Correctly: The Label is Your Guide
-- 20-minute videotape (video number V7ASC-03161 )
PUBLICATIONS -- Understanding Pesticide LabeLs and Labeling, ID --
Kentucky's Pesticide Applicator Training & Certification Program,
Protecting Kentucky's Groundwater: A Grower's Guide, IP-13