Numbered Publications: Horticulture
PR-608: 2010 Fruit and Vegetable Research Report
Doug Archbold, Paul Bachi, Sandra Bastin, Julie Beale, Steve Berberich, Ric Bessin, Bob Caudle, Jennie Condra, Tim Coolong, Leighia Eggett, Vaden Fenton, Lucas Hanks, John Hartman, Nathan Howell, Kelly Jackson, June Johnston, Chlodys Johnstone, Patrick Kelley, Katie Kittrell, Janet Lensing, Amy Poston, Sara Long, Patty Lucas, Sean Lynch, Logan Minter, John Obrycki, Janet Pfeiffer, Sutapa Roy, Marc Ruberg, Rebecca Schnelle, Delia Scott, Kenny Seebold, Pam Sigler, Darrell Slone, Chris Smigell, John Snyder, Dave Spalding, John Strang, Ginny Travis, Joseph Tucker, Sarah Vanek, Jeff Wheeler, John Wilhoit, Mark Williams, Patsy Wilson, Dwight Wolfe | Dec. 20, 2010 (New)
Fruit and vegetable production in Kentucky continues to grow. The 2010 Fruit and Vegetable crops research report includes results for more than 34 field research and demonstration trials that were conducted in 20 counties in Kentucky.
HO-6: Peach Cultivar Performance
John Strang, Dwight Wolfe | Jun. 14, 2010 (Major Revision)
The commercial success of a peach orchard depends largely on selecting cultivars that will perform reliably and meet market needs. Although many fruit and tree characteristics are presented in this report, the final cultivar selection should be determined by the grower. A grower may be influenced by soil type, local climate, or marketing methods and prefer a cultivar that is not a general favorite. Growers should have test plots of two to four trees of new cultivars to help them judge the performance in their orchard.
ID-77: Nut Tree Growing in Kentucky
Ric Bessin, John Hartman, Terry Jones, Joe Masabni, John Strang | Apr. 22, 2010 (Major Revision)
Kentucky is generally well suited for growing nut trees. Northern pecans, black walnuts, heartnuts, hickory nuts, hardy Persian walnuts (Carpathian strain), American hazelnuts, and Chinese chestnuts all grow well in the state. Although most nut trees are grown by hobbyists and backyard gardeners, several varieties appear to have potential for commercial production, particularly some of the USDA pecan selections and some Chinese chestnut varieties.
PR-602: 2009 Nursery and Landscape Research Report
Sharon Bale, Win Dunwell, Rick Durham, Bill Fountain, Bob Geneve, John Hartman, Dewayne Ingram, John Obrycki, Dan Potter, Richard Warner, Tim Woods | Jan. 7, 2010 (New)
The 2009 report has been organized according to our primary areas of emphasis: production and economics, pest management, and plant evaluation. These areas reflect stated industry needs, expertise available at UK, and the nature of research projects around the world that generate information applicable to Kentucky.
PR-603: 2009 Fruit and Vegetable Research Report
Doug Archbold, Paul Bachi, Julie Beale, Tim Coolong, Vaden Fenton, John Hartman, Ryan Hays, Otto Hoffman, Nathan Howard, Nathan Howell, June Johnston, Terry Jones, Amy Poston, Sara Long, Brandon O'Daniel, Janet Pfeiffer, Rebecca Schnelle, Kenny Seebold, Pam Sigler, Darrell Slone, Chris Smigell, John Snyder, Dave Spalding, Crystal Sparks, John Strang, Ginny Travis, Richard Warner, Jeff Wheeler, John Wilhoit, Patsy Wilson, Dwight Wolfe | Dec. 11, 2009 (New)
The 2009 Fruit and Vegetable Crops Research Report includes results for more than 45 field research and demonstration trials that were conducted in 19 counties in Kentucky. Many of these reports include data on varietal performance as well as different production methods in an effort to provide growers with better tools that they can use to improve fruit and vegetable production in Kentucky.
PR-571: 2008 Nursery and Landscape Research Report
Sharon Bale, Win Dunwell, Rick Durham, Bill Fountain, Richard Gates, Bob Geneve, John Hartman, Ken Haynes, Dewayne Ingram, Dan Potter, Richard Warner, Tim Woods | Dec. 1, 2008 (New)
PR-572: 2008 Fruit and Vegetable Research Report
Doug Archbold, Tim Coolong, Tom Cottrell, Rick Durham, Vaden Fenton, John Hartman, Nathan Howard, Nathan Howell, Wuyang Hu, Dewayne Ingram, Terry Jones, Kaan Kurtural, Joe Masabni, Kenny Seebold, Bonnie Sigmon, Chris Smigell, John Snyder, Dave Spalding, John Strang, Paul Vincelli, Richard Warner, John Wilhoit, Mark Williams, Tim Woods | Dec. 1, 2008 (New)
HO-84: Controlled Water Table Irrigation of Container Crops
Jack Buxton, Janet Pfeiffer, Darrell Slone | Oct. 31, 2008 (New)
HO-81: Ornamental Corn Production
Ric Bessin, Tim Coolong, Terry Jones, Joe Masabni, Kenny Seebold, Tim Woods | Jul. 10, 2008 (Minor Revision)
HO-66: Commercial Asparagus Production
John Strang | Feb. 13, 2008 (Minor Revision)