Numbered Publications: Plant and Soil Sciences
IP-71: Nutrient Management in Kentucky
Amanda Gumbert, Monroe Rasnake, Joe Taraba, Bill Thom | Dec. 1, 2001 (New)
PR-449: 2001 Kentucky Hybrid Corn Performance Test
Ron Curd, Bill Pearce | Nov. 7, 2001 (New)
PR-451: 2001 Kentucky Soybean Performance Tests
Eugene Lacefield, Todd Pfeiffer | Nov. 1, 2001 (New)
ID-138: Considerations When Purchasing Hay for a Dairy Milking Herd
Donna Amaral-Phillips, Mike Collins, Jimmy Henning | Aug. 30, 2001 (New)
PR-448: 2001 Kentucky Small Grains Variety Trials
Dottie Call, Sandy Swanson, Charles Tutt, Dave Sanford | Aug. 25, 2001 (New)
PA-2: Guidelines for Adopting Precision Agricultural Practices
Carl Dillon, Greg Henson, Tom Mueller, Scott Shearer, Tim Stombaugh | May. 15, 2001 (New)
ID-144: Understanding Endophyte-Infected Tall Fescue and Its Effect on Broodmares
Bob Coleman, Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Laurie Lawrence | May. 1, 2001 (Reprinted)
ID-146: Choosing Hay for Horses
Bob Coleman, Jimmy Henning, Laurie Lawrence | May. 1, 2001 (Reprinted)
ID-145: Alfalfa Cubes for Horses
Bob Coleman, Jimmy Henning, Laurie Lawrence | May. 1, 2001 (Reprinted)
ID-72: Principles of Home Landscape Fertilizing
Rick Durham, Bill Fountain, John Hartman, A.J. Powell, Bill Thom | Mar. 1, 2001 (Minor Revision)