Numbered Publications: Program and Staff Development
FCS2-845: Finding the Right Bra
Jeanne Badgett, Jennifer Downey, Kim Miller-Spillman, Pam Sigler | Nov. 10, 2020 (Reviewed)
A bra that fits properly can improve posture, prevent back pain and injury, relieve muscle tension, and enhance your overall look.
FCS2-848: Shed Five Pounds with Wardrobe Basics
Jeanne Badgett, Jennifer Downey, Kim Miller-Spillman, Pam Sigler, Janet Tietyen-Mullins | Nov. 10, 2020 (Reviewed)
Selecting clothing that compliments your body shape can make you look five pounds thinner.
FCS2-844: Color is Key
Jeanne Badgett, Debra Cotterill, Kim Miller-Spillman, Pam Sigler, Janet Tietyen-Mullins | Nov. 10, 2020 (Reviewed)
Each person has unique skin, hair, and eye coloring. Clothing and cosmetics that compliment an individual's coloring make a person appear healthier and more attractive.
IP-78: Understanding Produce Safety Programs and Making a Food Safety Plan
Melissa Newman, Pam Sigler, Paul Vijayakumar | Apr. 4, 2016 (New)
Safety of fresh vegetables and fruits is very important because these products are often consumed raw or are minimally processed. For the safety of consumers, farmers who produce our food must know the best practices available to produce, process, handle, and store fresh produce.
CLD1-9-FCS: The Influence of Personal Characteristics: Personality, Culture and Environment: FCS Facilitator's Guide
Marissa Aull, Janet Johnson, Martha Nall, Laura Stephenson | Jun. 20, 2012 (New)
To grow as an effective leader you must understand yourself as well as the differences of personal characteristics in others.
CLD1-9: The Influence of Personal Characteristics: Personality, Culture and Environment
Marissa Aull, Martha Nall, Kristina Ricketts | Apr. 26, 2011 (New)
Fundamentally, leadership involves human interaction. Thus, understanding ourselves, our temperaments and why we tend to respond in certain ways is important in our development as a leader and in working with others to reach shared goals.