Numbered Publications: SR
SR-103: A Field Guide to the Slugs of Kentucky
James Harwood, Anna Thomas | Nov. 11, 2010 (New)
Slugs are well-known agricultural pests throughout the world and attack a wide range of agricultural and horticultural crops. Important commodities grown throughout Kentucky have been reported as food resources for many invasive species known to occur within the state. Therefore, economic losses are likely to increase in future years because of changing agricultural production practices and more favorable climatic conditions.
SR-102: Some Historic Aspects of Small Strongyles and Ascarids in Equids Featuring Drug-Resistance with Notes on Ovids: Emphasis on Research at the Unversity of Kentucky
Gene Lyons, Sharon Tolliver | Mar. 13, 2009 (New)
The present bulletin focuses mainly on drug-resistant species (small strongyles and ascarids) of internal parasites of the horse with emphasis on historic research. Some discussion is presented also of research at UK on the sheep "barber pole" stomach worm (Haemonchus contortus) which has a historic role in drug resistance.
SR-101: Descriptions and Reference Laboratory Characterization Data for Some Soils in Kentucky
A.D. Karathanasis | Jan. 30, 2006 (New)
SR-100: Descriptions and Complete Laboratory Characterization Data for Some Soils in Kentucky
A.D. Karathanasis | Jan. 30, 2006 (New)
SR-2004-2: 2003 Research and Extension Beef Report
Jim Akers, Les Anderson, Darrh Bullock, Kenny Burdine, Roy Burris, Paul Deaton, David Harmon, Bruce Hightshoe, John Johns, Jim Matthews, Kyle McLeod, Lee Meyer, Melissa Newman, Jim Randolph, Patty Scharko, Keith Schillo, Alison Smith, Laurentia Rensburg, Eric Vanzant | Jun. 1, 2004 (New)
SR-2003-1: Proceedings, First Workshop on Mare Reproductive Loss Syndrome
David Powell | Apr. 28, 2003 (New)
SR-98-1: Pesticide Use on Rights-of-Way in Kentucky
Monte Johnson | Jun. 1, 1998 (New)
SR-97-1: Nursery and Landscape Program: 1997 Research Report
Dewayne Ingram | Jan. 1, 1998 (New)
SR-96-1: Nursery and Landscape Program: 1996 Research Report
Dewayne Ingram | Jan. 1, 1997 (New)
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