Numbered Publications by Allen, Rosie
CLD2-9-FCS: Sustaining Members, Volunteers and Leaders in Community Organizations: Strengthening an Organization by Building Traditions: FCS Facilitator's Guide
Rosie Allen | Feb. 6, 2013 (New)
Sustaining, the fourth and final category of the GEMS Model of Volunteer Administration, consists of five steps: evaluate, recognize, retain, redirect and disengage.
CLD2-6-FCS: Developing and Implementing an Action Plan for Community Organizations: Giving New Direction to Established Organizations: FCS Facilitator's Guide
Rosie Allen | Feb. 6, 2013 (New)
A clear plan is necessary for your organization to move toward achieving its objectives. A group that doesn't have an action plan is like a ship that hoists its sail and lets the winds blow it wherever it may land; the ship is not likely to reach its intended harbor.
FCS7-188: Home Is Where the Health Is
Rosie Allen, Carol Gnatuk | Aug. 30, 2012 (Minor Revision)
CLD1-8-FCS: Understanding Generational Differences: FCS Facilitator's Guide
Rosie Allen, Ken Culp, Janet Johnson, Laura Stephenson | Jun. 20, 2012 (New)
By gaining a better understanding of the values that have shaped each generation, we increase our opportunity for building strong family, work and community relationships.