Numbered Publications by Amsden, Bernadette
SR-112: Science of Hemp: Production and Pest Management, 2020
Bernadette Amsden, Samantha Anderson, Ric Bessin, Susan Fox, Nicole Gauthier, Ross Guffey, Tom Keene, Tyler Mark, Bob Pearce, Christopher Schardl, Jonathan Shepherd, Frank Sikora, Desiree Szarka, Raul Villanueva | Mar. 13, 2020 (New)
Hemp is grown for fiber, grain, and cannabinoid extraction in Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Until recently, Cannabis sativa has been classified as a Schedule 1 controlled substance in the US. The Agricultural Act of 2014 (Farm Bill) allowed for reintroduction of industrial hemp under a pilot research program. Acreage increases and addition of state legislation resulted in over 78,000 acres of hemp grown in 23 states by the end of 2018. Hemp became a legal commodity under the 2018 Farm Bill, and by the end of 2019, over 500,000 licensed acres were documented across 45 states. Canada re-introduced the crop in 1998, and in 2018, almost 78,000 acres of hemp were licensed and planted.
PR-621: 2010 Nursery and Landscape Research Report
Bernadette Amsden, Paul Bachi, Julie Beale, Steve Berberich, Ed Dixon, Win Dunwell, Bill Fountain, Amy Fulcher, Carey Grable, John Hartman, Dewayne Ingram, June Johnston, Katie Kittrell, Janet Lensing, Sara Long, John Obrycki, Dan Potter, Rebecca Schnelle, Ginny Travis, Paul Vincelli, Dwight Wolfe | Jan. 28, 2011 (New)
The UK Nursery and Landscape Program coordinates the efforts of faculty, staff, and students in several departments within the College of Agriculture tor the benefit of the Kentucky nursery and landscape industry.
PPFS-MISC-4: Real-time PCR Detection of Xylella fastidiosa is Independent of Sample Storage Time and Temperature
Bernadette Amsden, John Hartman, Paul Vincelli | Nov. 1, 2010 (New)
The xylem-limited bacterium Xylella fastidiosa, first associated with Pierce's disease of grapevines and alfalfa dwarf disease in 1973 (4) continues to be an economically important pathogen of several commercial crops. It also causes bacterial leaf scorch in urban shade trees such as sycamore, oaks, maples, mulberry, and elm (5). The usual course of action, in an effort to control the spread of this pathogen by insect vectors (9), is to prune out infected branches and vines or to rogue infected plants. Therefore, timely testing of suspect hosts is important.