Numbered Publications: Agriculture and Natural Resources
HENV-706: Going Green: Living an Environmentally Responsible Life
Amanda Gumbert, Ashley Osborne | Jul. 5, 2011 (New)
Adopting a green lifestyle means making deliberate choices to lighten our impact on the natural world.
4DE-01PO: What is a Watershed? 4-H2O Ambassador Curriculum, Unit 1
Ashley Osborne | Feb. 24, 2011 (New)
In this unit, 4-Hers will identify and learn the characteristics of their local watershed. In the process, they will learn about sources of water pollution and their role in keeping water clean.
4DE-04PO: Improving My Water Quality? 4-H2O Ambassador Curriculum, Unit 4
Ashley Osborne | Feb. 24, 2011 (New)
In this unit, 4-Hers will develop and implement a service project in their community.
4DE-02PO: What is Water Quality? 4-H2O Ambassador Curriculum, Unit 2
Ashley Osborne | Feb. 24, 2011 (New)
In this unit, 4-Hers will learn different methods for assessing water quality.
HENV-704: Tips for Conserving Water at Home
Ashley Osborne | Feb. 24, 2011 (New)
By conserving water, we decrease our demand for energy-intensive systems that obtain, treat, and distribute water. Simply put, by conserving water we save energy.
4DE-03PO: What Impacts the Water Quality in My Watershed? 4-H2O Ambassador Curriculum, Unit 3
Ashley Osborne | Feb. 24, 2011 (New)
In this unit, 4-Hers will learn about land use and its affect on water quality.
HENV-705: Natural Lighting
Ashley Osborne | Feb. 24, 2011 (New)
Follow these home decorating and landscaping tips to reduce your energy consumption and utility costs.
ID-185: Planting a Riparian Buffer
Carmen Agouridis, Chris Barton, Amanda Gumbert, Sarah Wightman | Sep. 28, 2010 (New)
Actively creating a riparian buffer typically consists of six steps: site assessment, planting plan development, site preparation, species selection, planting, and protection and maintenance.
HENV-102: Household Waste Management 2: Reuse
Tyler Henningsen, Brad Lee, Ashley Osborne | Sep. 8, 2010 (New)
Reuse is essentially any action that extends the life of a product and keeps it out of the waste system. The process of reusing an item can start even before you purchase it.
HENV-103: Household Waste Management 3: Recycle
Tyler Henningsen, Brad Lee, Ashley Osborne | Sep. 8, 2010 (New)
Americans create about 5 pounds of waste per day, half of which is recycled in some manner, leaving roughly 2.5 pounds of waste per day going to landfills.