Numbered Publications by Anderson, Nolan
PPFS-AG-C-10: Northern Corn Leaf Blight
Nolan Anderson, Carl Bradley, Kiersten Wise | Feb. 15, 2021 (New)
Northern corn leaf blight (NCLB) is a significant foliar corn disease in Kentucky. This disease has been damaging in the United States Corn Belt since the early 1900s, but has increased in severity and prevalence throughout the U.S., including Kentucky. This publication describes the symptoms and signs of NCLB, conditions that favor disease development, and management methods to reduce impact on yield.
PPFS-AG-C-9: Curvularia Leaf Spot
Nolan Anderson, Carl Bradley, Kelsey Mehl, Kiersten Wise | Jul. 1, 2019 (New)
Curvularia leaf spot is a corn disease that was reported for the first time in the United States in Louisiana in 2017, and was confirmed in Kentucky in 2018. While the impact of Curvularia leaf spot in Kentucky is not yet known, this disease causes yield loss in tropical areas, and is considered to be one of the most important diseases of corn in China. This publication describes the symptoms and cause of disease, conditions that favor disease development, and foliar diseases that have similar symptoms.
PPFS-AG-C-8: Diplodia Leaf Streak
Nolan Anderson, Carl Bradley, Kelsey Mehl, Kiersten Wise | Sep. 1, 2018 (New)
Diplodia leaf streak of corn is a disease that has become more prevalent in Kentucky in recent years. It is commonly observed in fields in western Kentucky and is easily confused with other corn foliar diseases. Small, round, dark brown-to-tan lesions are first observed on leaves. Dark concentric rings may be observed in the center of early lesions at the infection site on the leaf. These lesions expand lengthwise in long streaks from the infection point and form elongated elliptical lesions. In severe cases, lesions can coalesce to blight large areas of affected leaves.