Numbered Publications by Becker, Daniel
PR-832: 2023 Fruit and Vegetable Crops Research Report
Daniel Becker, Maya Horvath, Rachel Rudolph, Ginny Travis, Dwight Wolfe | Dec. 5, 2023 (New)
This report is a bit different from previous reports in that it represents two years' worth of work. It is also smaller than the reports of previous years. In 2021, a tornado destroyed much of our research center in Princeton, KY, and in 2022, a flood destroyed much of our research center in Quicksand, KY. Although both locations are rebuilding as quickly as they can, research trials have been hindered. We hope to have more trials and more reports in the future. Research was conducted by University of Kentucky faculty, staff, and students from the Department of Horticulture, as well as faculty and staff of Kentucky State University.
PPFS-FR-S-27: Cultural Calendar for Commercial Grape Production
Daniel Becker, Ric Bessin, Nicole Gauthier, Kimberly Leonberger, Matthew Springer, John Strang, Patsy Wilson, Shawn Wright | Mar. 9, 2020 (Major Revision)
Inegrated pest management (IPM) includes the combination of biological, cultural, physical, and chemical tools in efforts to manage diseases and pests while minimizing risks associated with pesticides. Cultural practices are an integral part of an IPM program and should be incorporated into all commercial systems whether large or small, conventional or organic. This publication provides recommended practices at approximate growth stages and/or production periods. However, these timelines are approximate and may require adjustment for particular conditions. Growers who encounter situations that may not align with suggestions here should contact their county Extension office for assistance.
PR-762: 2019 Fruit and Vegetable Research Report
Doug Archbold, Daniel Becker, Win Dunwell, Rachel Rudolph, Chris Smigell, John Snyder, John Strang | Dec. 5, 2019 (New)
Fruit and vegetable production continues to show sustained growth in Kentucky. As the industry grows around a diverse collection of marketing tactics (wholesale, farmer markets, CSAs, and direct to restaurants) as well as various production systems, there continues to be a need for applied practical information to support the industry.Evaluation of varieties is a continuing necessity and allows us to provide the most up to date information in communications with vegetable growers. The vegetable variety trial results are the basis for updating the recommendations in our Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers (ID-36).
HO-82: Rootstocks for Kentucky Fruit Trees
Daniel Becker, John Strang, Dwight Wolfe, Shawn Wright | Oct. 15, 2019 (Major Revision)
Most fruit trees that can be grown in Kentucky do not come true from seed. For example, a tree grown from a Golden Delicious apple seed will produce an apple tree, but the fruit will have different characteristics than Golden Delicious in color, taste, and shape. This is why fruit trees are reproduced by asexual propagation, such as budding and grafting.
ID-251: An IPM Scouting Guide for Common Problems of Brambles in Kentucky
Daniel Becker, Ric Bessin, Cheryl Kaiser, Matthew Springer, John Strang, Nicole Gauthier, Shawn Wright | Sep. 13, 2018 (New)
Long before the term "sustainable" became a household word, farmers were implementing sustainable practices in the form of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies. IPM uses a combination of biological, cultural, physical, and chemical methods to reduce and/or manage pathogen and pest populations. These strategies are used to minimize environmental risks, economic costs, and health hazards. Pathogens and pests are managed (although rarely eliminated entirely) to reduce their negative impact on the crop. Scouting and monitoring for diseases, insects, weeds, and abiotic disorders helps identify potential problems before serious losses result. This is essential to the IPM approach. The key to effective monitoring is accurate identification. The images included in this guide represent the more common abiotic and biotic problems that occur in Kentucky blackberry and raspberry plantings.
PPFS-FR-S-17: Cane Diseases of Brambles
Daniel Becker, Nicole Gauthier | Nov. 1, 2017 (Major Revision)
Anthracnose can cause severe damage to blackberries, purple and black raspberries, and to a much lesser extent, red raspberries in Kentucky. When left unchecked, anthracnose can significantly reduce overall yields, as well as limit the longevity of bramble plantings. Disease also causes loss of winter hardiness.