Numbered Publications: 4AF
4AF-06PO: Understanding and Teaching Sportsmanship to Today's Youth
Amy Lawyer | Oct. 12, 2015 (New)
Sportsmanship is fair play, respect for opponents, and gracious behavior in winning and losing. Sportsmanship takes ethics into a competitive realm. We can remain ethical yet fail to be a good sport; however it is impossible to exhibit good sportsmanship without also being ethical.
4AF-06MA: Hosting a Horse Show
Fernanda Camargo, Amy Lawyer | Oct. 23, 2014 (Major Revision)
When planning a show, whether a world-class competition or a backyard fun show, the information in this publication will help you make your event a success.
4AF-03RE: 4-H Horse Project Record for Kentucky 4-H Horse Club Members
Fernanda Camargo | Jul. 15, 2010 (Major Revision)
Keeping good records is an important part of your 4-H work. Accurate records will tell others about your work and progress and will help you to become a better horseman/woman.
4AF-04PA: Kentucky 4-H Horse Achievement Program Level 4
Bob Coleman | Jun. 1, 2006 (Minor Revision)
4AF-03PA: Kentucky 4-H Horse Achievement Program Level 3
Bob Coleman | Jun. 1, 2006 (Minor Revision)
4AF-01PO: Kentucky Horse Achievement Program Level 1
Kristen Janicki | Apr. 15, 2006 (Reprinted)
In the 4-H Achievement Program you will have some "hands-on" experience of riding and caring for horses. You will also talk with veterinarians and horse trainers, visit places where horses are raised and read about horses.You do not need to own a horse to be a part of the 4-H Achievement Program. Your 4-H leader will help you find access to a horse you can ride as part of this project
4AF-05MA: Horse Safety Guidelines for Kentucky 4-H Members
Ashley Griffin | May. 1, 2001 (Reprinted)