Numbered Publications by Burnham, Claire
ID-265: Riding Arena Footing: Materials and Characteristics
Claire Burnham, Bob Coleman, Morgan Hayes, Staci McGill | Oct. 26, 2020 (New)
This publication provides an overview of riding arena characteristics, and in particular, footing. Many different factors must be considered when planning to build an arena or determining how to care for an existing arena. This basic guide explains how arenas are structured, describes the components that generally make up arena surfaces, and discusses various considerations that all arenas need.
ID-266: Riding Arena Maintenance: Dragging and Watering
Claire Burnham, Bob Coleman, Morgan Hayes, Staci McGill | Oct. 26, 2020 (New)
Maintenance is a key aspect to extend an arena's lifespan, and it is extremely important for the horses and riders who use the surface. Arena maintenance is essential for the casual recreational rider up to the high-performance athlete. The surface the horse encounters during work has a profound impact on the horse's biomechanics, which can affect the horse's soundness over time. Having a well-maintained surface increases your horse's performance capabilities and enhances training.
ID-267: Riding Arena Maintenance: Equipment Guide
Claire Burnham, Bob Coleman, Morgan Hayes, Staci McGill | Oct. 26, 2020 (New)
This guide gives a basic overview of drags, their component parts, and other arena maintenance equipment. Selecting the proper equipment and maintenance protocol is essential for keeping a usable and well-maintained arena. Because there is variation in the terminology used between manufacturers, this compilation of basic terms, descriptions, and pictures will improve the arena manager's understanding of common terms.