Numbered Publications by Gauthier, Nicole
PPFS-OR-H-1: Managing Diseases of Herbaceous Ornamentals
Jay Hettmansperger, Nicole Gauthier | May. 1, 2017 (New)
Herbaceous landscape ornamentals can succumb to various adverse factors, including infectious and non-infectious diseases. Infectious diseases are caused by microorganisms, such as fungi, fungus-like water molds, bacteria, nematodes, viruses, and phytoplasmas. Abiotic or non-infectious diseases may be attributed to unfavorable growing conditions, which can include nutritional deficiencies, improper soil pH, extreme temperatures, excessive soil moisture, or drought. In order to determine the proper course of action for treatment, it is essential to accurately identify the specific cause(s).
ID-241: After Your Ash Has Died: Making an Informed Decision on What to Replant
Ellen Crocker, Bill Fountain, Lee Townsend, Nicole Gauthier | Dec. 22, 2016 (New)
Unfortunately the emerald ash borer is only the latest in a series of invasive pests that have recently decimated our trees. Here, we provide basic information on the death of our ash trees and what types of species are less likely to be impacted by invasive insects and diseases in the future.
ID-238: An IPM Scouting Guide for Common Problems of Strawberry in Kentucky
Ric Bessin, Cheryl Kaiser, Matthew Springer, John Strang, Nicole Gauthier, Shawn Wright | Nov. 17, 2016 (New)
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) uses a combination of biological, cultural, physical, and chemical methods to reduce and/or manage pest populations. These strategies are used to minimize environmental risks, economic costs, and health hazards. Pests are managed (although rarely eliminated entirely) to reduce their negative impact on the crop. Scouting and monitoring diseases, insects, weeds, and abiotic disorders helps identify potential problems before serious losses result. This is essential to the IPM approach. The key to effective monitoring is accurate identification. The pictures included in this guide represent the more common abiotic and biotic problems that occur in Kentucky strawberry plantings.
PR-641: 2011 Nursery and Landscape Research Report
Sharon Bale, Win Dunwell, Rick Durham, Bill Fountain, Bob Geneve, John Hartman, Dewayne Ingram, John Obrycki, Dan Potter, Nicole Gauthier, Richard Warner, Tim Woods | Aug. 30, 2016 (New)
The UK Nursery and Landscape Program coordinates the efforts of faculty, staff, and students in several departments within the College of Agriculture tor the benefit of the Kentucky nursery and landscape industry.
PPFS-OR-W-24: Common Diseases of Spruce in Kentucky
Julie Beale, Brenda Kennedy, Nicole Gauthier | Jun. 1, 2016 (New)
Spruce trees, particularly blue spruce (Picea pungens) and Norway spruce (Picea abies), are popular specimen trees and screening conifers in Kentucky landscapes. Unfortunately, they can present problems for homeowners as a result of poor vigor, dieback, or needle drop. A combination of infectious disease and environmental stress is often to blame.
PPFS-FR-S-22: Sample Fungicide Spray Schedule for Commercial Bramble
Nicole Gauthier | Apr. 1, 2016 (Reviewed)
A sample fungicide spray schedule for commercial bramble (table).
PPFS-GEN-13: Relative Effectiveness of Various Chemicals for Disease Control of Ornamental Plants
Nicole Gauthier | Apr. 1, 2016 (Reviewed)
Recommendations for the use of agricultural chemicals are included here as a convenience to the reader. The use of brand names and mention or listing of commercial products does not imply endorsement nor discrimination against similar products or services not mentioned. Individuals who use agricultural chemicals are responsible for ensuring that the intended use complies with current STATE regulations and conforms to the product label. Examine a current product label before applying any chemical. For assistance, contact your county Cooperative Extension agent.
PPFS-GH-1: Managing Greenhouse and High Tunnel Environments to Reduce Plant Diseases
Philip Konopka, Emily Pfeufer, Nicole Gauthier | Mar. 1, 2016 (New)
Greenhouse and high tunnel environments, which tend to be warm and humid, often create ideal situations for disease development. Environments favoring infection and spread of many disease pathogens include one or more of the following: high relative humidity (90% or above), free moisture (e.g., leaf wetness, wet soil), and/or warm temperature. Because diseases can cause extensive damage, their management is essential to production of high quality, marketable products. While challenging, these environments can be managed to simultaneously encourage plant growth and discourage pathogen spread.
PPFS-OR-W-23: Shade Tree Anthracnose
Sharon Flynt, Nicole Gauthier | Feb. 1, 2016 (New)
Anthracnose is the common name given to several fungal shade tree diseases with similar dark, irregularly-shaped leaf lesions. While they are primarily foliar diseases, damage on some hosts may extend to twigs, branches, and buds. In established trees, anthracnose usually does not cause permanent damage. However, resulting defoliation and dieback, especially if it occurs year after year, can weaken trees and make them more susceptible to environmental stresses and secondary pathogens.
PPFS-GEN-14: Don't Eat Those Wild Mushrooms
Ellen Crocker, Nicole Gauthier | Feb. 1, 2016 (New)
Mushrooms are strange and wonderful things--some are beautiful, some are ugly, some are delicious, and some are deadly. Mushroom hunting is a fun and rewarding hobby that can turn a hike through local woods into a puzzle-solving adventure. Many people are drawn to mushroom hunting and the potential to forage for food. Unfortunately, there is a dark side to mushroom foraging: poisoning. Each year, wild mushrooms lead to numerous illnesses and even a few deaths.