Numbered Publications by Harmon, David
ASC-261: Going Green: Ten Fundamentals of Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Beef Systems
David Harmon, Jeff Lehmkuhler | Feb. 13, 2024 (New)
Global warming has become a key focus of all agricultural sectors during the late 2010s and early 2020s. Discussion on identifying and increasing adoption of sustainable practices, shifting from gasoline to electric automotive engines, and producing alternative sources of energy continually permeate the airwaves. These various proposals are accompanied with new terminology and concepts that may not be fully defined for the audience. As a livestock producer, it is important to know and understand how new legislation for limiting greenhouse gas emissions in the agricultural sector could be directed toward the farm gate.
SR-105: 2012 Beef Research and Extension Report
Glen Aiken, Les Anderson, Darrh Bullock, Roy Burris, Lowell Bush, J.R. Bussard, Andrew Foote, Ben Goff, David Harmon, V.B. Holder, Isabelle Kagan, Nicole Kenney, D.H. Kim, S.E. Kitts, Jim Klotz, Anne Koontz, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Kyle McLeod, Jim Strickland, Eric Vanzant, Bill Witt | Jan. 7, 2014 (New)
The intent of this report is to provide highlights of our research and extension activities. We have a vested interest in the beef industry in the state and nation, and hope this report provides a window into our programs. We believe that after viewing this report, a greater appreciation will be garnered with respect to our involvement in the multiple fields of study related to beef production. The faculty, staff and student activities are advancing our understanding of basic science principles of livestock production as well as applied research that producers and the industry can benefit from immediately, as well as in the future. Extension educational programs, on-farm demonstrations, and other activities aid in transferring this knowledge to producers, allowing for increased awareness and adoption of management change.
SR-2004-2: 2003 Research and Extension Beef Report
Jim Akers, Les Anderson, Darrh Bullock, Kenny Burdine, Roy Burris, Paul Deaton, David Harmon, Bruce Hightshoe, John Johns, Jim Matthews, Kyle McLeod, Lee Meyer, Melissa Newman, Jim Randolph, Patty Scharko, Keith Schillo, Alison Smith, Laurentia Rensburg, Eric Vanzant | Jun. 1, 2004 (New)