Numbered Publications by Knott, Carrie
PR-848: 2023 Soybean Production Contest
Carrie Knott, Clint Hardy, Daniel Carpenter, Troy Muse, Danny Adams, Katie Hughes, Jessica James, Bronson Bass, Lance Lockhart, Tim Lax, Andy Mills, Miranda Rudolph, Darrell Simpson, Jay Stone, Jeana Trapp, John Tucker | Sep. 5, 2024 (New)
In Kentucky, farmers grow soybeans in two common soybean production systems: full season and double crop. Farmers plant full season soybeans in the spring and harvest in fall, so they have harvested one crop in one calendar year. Farmers plant double-crop soybeans after wheat harvest in June. These soybeans are harvested later that fall, making them the second crop harvested in the same calendar year. Both systems are important to the overall production of soybean in Kentucky. To document the agronomic practices utilized by producers, an annual soybean production contest was initiated in Kentucky in 1980.
PR-829: 2021 Soybean Yield and Quality Contest
Matt Adams, Clint Hardy, Katie Hughes, Carrie Knott, Brett Mitchell, Troy Muse, Dana O'Nan, Conner Raymond, Paul Rideout, Darrell Simpson | Sep. 7, 2023 (New)
In Kentucky, farmers grow soybeans in two common soybean production systems: full season and double crop. Farmers plant full season soybeans in the spring and harvest them that fall, so they have harvested one crop in one calendar year. Farmers plant double crop soybeans after wheat harvest in June. These soybeans are harvested later that fall, making them the second crop harvested in the same calendar year. Both systems are important to the overall production of soybean in Kentucky. Therefore, in 1980, an annual soybean yield contest was initiated in Kentucky to document the agronomic practices utilized
by producers.
PR-830: 2022 Soybean Yield and Quality Contest
Danny Adams, Matt Adams, Jessica Buchman, Daniel Carpenter, Clint Hardy, Katie Hughes, Carrie Knott, Lance Lockhart, Cole Mattingly, Brett Mitchell, Michael Mullican, Troy Muse, Conner Raymond, Glen Roberts, Vicki Shadrick, Darrell Simpson, Gary Stockton | Sep. 7, 2023 (New)
In Kentucky, farmers grow soybeans in two common soybean production systems: full season and double crop. Farmers plant full season soybeans in the spring and harvest them that fall, so they have harvested one crop in one calendar year. Farmers plant double crop soybeans after wheat harvest in June. These soybeans are harvested later that fall, making them the second crop harvested in the same calendar year. Both systems are important to the overall production of soybean in Kentucky. Therefore, in 1980, an annual soybean yield contest was initiated in Kentucky to
document the agronomic practices utilized by producers.
ID-139: A Comprehensive Guide to Corn Management in Kentucky
Carl Bradley, J.D. Green, John Grove, Greg Halich, Erin Haramoto, Cam Kenimer, Carrie Knott, Chad Lee, Travis Legleiter, Sam McNeill, Michael Montross, Hanna Poffenbarger, Dan Quinn, Edwin Ritchey, Montse Salmeron, Jordan Shockley, Tim Stombaugh, Raul Villanueva, Ole Wendroth, Kiersten Wise | Dec. 13, 2022 (Major Revision)
Corn is a summer annual crop that is grown widely across Kentucky, the United States, and around the world. In the United States, field corn is grown on about 85 million acres (34 million hectares) while sweet corn is grown on about 600,000 acres (240,000 hectares) and popcorn is grown on about 200,000 acres (81,000 hectares). Most of the field corn across the United States is yellow dent corn. In Kentucky, both yellow dent corn and white dent corn are grown. Corn acres in Kentucky peaked at 3.85 million in 1917 and have been around 1.2 to 1.5 million acres since the 1970s (USDA-NASS, 2020). Most corn in Kentucky today is grown in minimum tillage or no-tillage conditions. Most corn acres are rotated with soybean or wheat and double-crop soybeans.
PR-795: 2020 Soybean Yield and Quality Contest
Danny Adams, Matt Adams, Samantha Anderson, Ricky Arnett, Daniel Carpenter, Graham Cofield, Meagan Diss, Greg Drake, Colby Guffey, Clint Hardy, Carrie Knott, Leann Martin, Jason Phillips, Paul Rideout, Glen Roberts, Ben Rudy, Michelle Simon, Darrell Simpson, Mike Smith | Jan. 26, 2021 (New)
In Kentucky, farmers grow soybeans in two common soybean production systems: full season and double crop. Farmers plant full season soybeans in the spring and harvest them that fall, so they have harvested one crop in one calendar year. Farmers plant double crop soybeans after wheat harvest in June. These soybeans are harvested later that fall, making them the second crop harvested in the same calendar year. Both systems are important to the overall production of soybean in Kentucky. Therefore, in 1980, an annual soybean yield contest was initiated in Kentucky to document the agronomic practices utilized by producers.
ID-268P: Kentucky Grain Crop Production at a Glance (poster)
Carl Bradley, John Grove, Carrie Knott, Chad Lee, Travis Legleiter, Sam McNeill, Edwin Ritchey, Raul Villanueva, Kiersten Wise | Jan. 13, 2021 (New)
A quick resource on grain crop production. NOTE: This poster is 25 x 38 inches. ID-268 is the booklet-sized version.
ID-268: Kentucky Grain Crop Production at a Glance
Carl Bradley, John Grove, Carrie Knott, Chad Lee, Travis Legleiter, Sam McNeill, Edwin Ritchey, Raul Villanueva, Kiersten Wise | Jan. 13, 2021 (New)
A quick resource on grain crop production.
ID-262: Considerations for Utilizing Frozen Small Grains for Forage
Carrie Knott, Chris Teutsch, Katherine VanValin | Dec. 2, 2020 (New)
Once wheat and other small grains adapt to cooler weather in the fall, they are relatively tolerant of cold temperatures and freeze injury. Frost injury in the spring normally occurs when February and March are unusually warm and small grains initiate growth earlier than normal or from an unusually late frost event. Freezing temperatures during sensitive growth stages can significantly impact grain yield. In some cases, the impact on yield can be moderate to severe.
AGR-261: Double Crop Soybean Production in Kentucky
Carrie Knott | Oct. 20, 2020 (New)
The double crop soybean system was pioneered in Kentucky. Traditionally, double crop soybean are planted in June following harvest of a small grain: wheat, barley, and in some cases cereal rye. Since the early 2000's, about 25% of the total soybean production in Kentucky has been double crop soybean. Many agronomic management strategies are similar between double crop soybean and full season soybean: soybean planted in the spring following corn from the previous year. However, there are certain management strategies that are important for double crop soybean, which not only increase yield potential but also offer opportunities to increase profitability.
AGR-253: Identifying Freeze Damage in Wheat
Carrie Knott | Aug. 11, 2020 (New)
Wheat and other small grains can be damaged when air temperatures fall below certain thresholds for two or more continuous hours. These temperatures do not necessarily mean that damage will occur. Rather, these temperatures are general guidelines of when damage may occur. It is important that the crop be scouted to determine the extent of the damage, if any.
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