Numbered Publications by Lyons, Gene
SR-110: Etymology of the Scientific Names of Some Endoparasites of Horses
Gene Lyons | Oct. 29, 2015 (New)
The use of only common names for parasites can be confusing because of lack of uniformity. Fortunately a huge contribution for science was made by the Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus who is considered the father of taxonomy. English translation of the scientific names here are mainly from "dictionary" sources. A few are from the original descriptions. More than one possible meaning is listed for some of the scientific names.
SR-109: Strongyles in Horses
Gene Lyons, Sharon Tolliver | Jul. 24, 2015 (New)
Parasites live in a host from which they obtain food and protection. They may harm but usually do not benefit the host. The word "parasite" is derived from the Latin and Greek languages meaning, in general, "one who eats at the table of another." It is said that a "good" parasite does not overtly harm or kill its host. It is theoretically possible that a more benign parasite (e.g. Gasterophilus spp.) is much "older in eons of time" and it and its host have adjusted better to each other than a conceivably "newer" parasite (e.g. Strongylus spp.) which may be more harmful to its host.
SR-106: Review of Life Cycles of Some Parasitic Nematodes in Mammals
Gene Lyons | Oct. 28, 2013 (New)
Most internal parasites of vertebrates require stages outside the host for development and transmission. Some life cycles are simple and straightforward. Others may have one or more intermediate or paritenic hosts. Knowledge of life cycles of parasites first of all is of great scientific interest. Secondly, life cycles are of great importance in controlling parasites. The object of this presentation is to review life cycles of some mammalian parasitic nematode species in research in association with the University of Kentucky.
SR-102: Some Historic Aspects of Small Strongyles and Ascarids in Equids Featuring Drug-Resistance with Notes on Ovids: Emphasis on Research at the Unversity of Kentucky
Gene Lyons, Sharon Tolliver | Mar. 13, 2009 (New)
The present bulletin focuses mainly on drug-resistant species (small strongyles and ascarids) of internal parasites of the horse with emphasis on historic research. Some discussion is presented also of research at UK on the sheep "barber pole" stomach worm (Haemonchus contortus) which has a historic role in drug resistance.
VET-32: Tapeworms in Horses
Sandra Collins, Harold Drudge, Gene Lyons, Sharon Tolliver | Apr. 15, 2006 (Minor Revision)
VET-1: Controlling Internal Parasites of the Horse
Bob Coleman, Harold Drudge, Gene Lyons, Sharon Tolliver, William Wise | Apr. 15, 2006 (Minor Revision)