Numbered Publications by Matthews, Jonathan
FOR-173: Identifying and Addressing River Otter Damage Issues in Kentucky
Jonathan Matthews, Matthew Springer, Gabriela Wolf-Gonzalez | Oct. 31, 2023 (New)
River otters (Lontra canadensis) were once abundant throughout North America, but unregulated harvest, water pollution, and overall habitat degradation decimated river otter populations across the contiguous United States. By the early 1900s, river otters were scarce in Kentucky; however, due to restoration programs implemented by Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources (KDFWR), this species has rebounded in the state. River otters can now be found throughout Kentucky.
FOR-133: Using Camera Surveys to Estimate White-tailed Deer Populations
Jonathan Matthews, Matthew Springer | Aug. 7, 2019 (New)
For the past 20 plus years, wildlife biologists have used game camera surveys to estimate population size and health in many wildlife species including white-tailed deer. Population estimates of wildlife populations have historically been conducted through capture-mark-recapture surveys, line-transect surveys, helicopter surveys, and other methods. These methods, while proven accurate, are often costly, time-consuming, and are not readily available to the average landowner. In the 1990s, researchers evaluated the reliability of camera surveys based on proven methods of population estimates. Studies indicated that camera surveys are a reliable method for accurate population estimates of white-tailed deer, and more recent studies have continued to support this method. The simple yet robust method has created a reliable, rather easily implementable tool to the public, allowing them to inventory their deer herds on the properties they own or lease.