Numbered Publications by Mercier, Kelly
ID-277: The Great Debate of Annual vs. Perennial Forages
Kenny Burdine, Kelly Mercier, Ray Smith | Mar. 13, 2024 (New)
The organic dairy sector in Kentucky and Tennessee contributed $9.3 million in organic product sales in 2019 (USDA-NASS, 2020), with organic milk sales in Kentucky alone rising 61% from 2017 to 2019 (USDA, NASS, Kentucky Field Office, 2020). Organic dairies rely more heavily on pastures as a significant source of dry matter intake compared to most conventional dairies.
AGR-255: Strategies for Reclaiming Hay Feeding Areas
Kelly Mercier, Chris Teutsch | Dec. 15, 2020 (New)
Hoof damage from livestock during the winter months can result in almost complete disturbance of desired vegetation and soil structure in and around hay feeding areas. Even well-designed hay feeding pads will have significant damage at the edges where animals enter and leave. Highly disturbed areas create perfect growing conditions for summer annual weeds like spiny pigweed and cocklebur. Weed growth is stimulated by lack of competition from a healthy and vigorous sod and the high fertility from the concentrated area of dung, urine, and rotting hay. The objective of this publication is to outline strategies for rapidly establishing stands of desirable forage species on these areas.