Numbered Publications by Roy, Nick
ID-275: Practical Corn Silage Harvest and Storage Guide for Cattle Producers
Donna Amaral-Phillips, Chad Lee, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Nick Roy | Sep. 27, 2023 (New)
Corn silage is often referred to as the "king of forages" and for good reason. With adequate and timely rainfall and normal environmental temperatures during the growing season, corn silage can yield 20 to 25 (or more) tons as fed per acre. Even in years with limited soil moisture, this crop can provide needed forage when harvested and stored properly although whole plant yield and/or grain content is often reduced.
PR-797: Kentucky Corn Silage Hybrid Performance Report, 2021
Cam Kenimer, Chad Lee, Nick Roy, Phillip Shine | Oct. 15, 2021 (New)
The objective of the Silage Corn Hybrid Performance Test is to provide unbiased forage yield and quality data for corn hybrids commonly grown for silage in Kentucky.
PPFS-AG-C-11: Drone Fungicide Applications in Corn
Ricky Arnett, Pat Hardesty, Nick Roy, Kiersten Wise | Mar. 12, 2021 (New)
Foliar fungicide applications occur commonly in corn to manage foliar diseases such as gray leaf spot. University of Kentucky research indicates that the most effective application timing for both foliar disease control and yield benefits is at tasseling/early silking (VT/R1). Because of the height of corn at this growth stage, these applications are typically applied aerially, with fixed wing or helicopter aircraft. However, many Kentucky fields are small, surrounded by trees or other obstacles to aircraft, meaning that fungicide application is not an option in these areas.
PPA-50: Drone Fungicide Applications in Corn
Ricky Arnett, Pat Hardesty, Nick Roy, Kiersten Wise | Mar. 5, 2021 (New)
Drone technology has improved in recent years and has also become more accessible. In Kentucky, commercial drone fungicide application is now an option in several areas. Drones specifically designed to apply products can potentially be used to apply fungicide in fields that are not accessible to other aircraft. This publication describes experiments to determine if drone fungicide applications can reduce foliar diseases in corn and discusses factors to consider when using drone technology to apply fungicides.
PR-793: Kentucky Corn Silage Hybrid Performance Report, 2020
Ricky Arnett, Cam Kenimer, Chad Lee, Nick Roy, Phillip Shine | Nov. 20, 2020 (New)
The objective of the Silage Corn Hybrid Performance Test is to provide unbiased forage yield and quality data for corn hybrids commonly grown for silage in Kentucky. Corn hybrids were evaluated for silage performance on cooperating farms. Representatives from seed companies submitted hybrids of their choosing. Most companies submitted only two (2) hybrids. One company supplies a third hybrid that serves as a check.
PR-776: Kentucky Corn Silage Hybrid Performance Report, 2019
Ricky Arnett, Matthew Campbell, Chad Lee, Linda McClanahan, Nick Roy | Jan. 10, 2020 (New)
The objective of the Silage Corn Hybrid Performance Test is to provide unbiased forage yield and quality data for corn hybrids commonly grown for silage in Kentucky. Corn hybrids were evaluated for silage performance on cooperating farms. Representatives from seed companies submitted hybrids of their choosing. Most companies submitted only two (2) hybrids. One company supplies a third hybrid that serves as a check.
PR-759: Kentucky Corn Silage Hybrid Performance Report, 2018
Ricky Arnett, Matthew Campbell, Chad Lee, Linda McClanahan, Nick Roy, Julia Santoro, Will Stallard | Dec. 18, 2018 (New)
The objective of the Silage Corn Hybrid Performance Test is to provide unbiased forage yield and quality data for corn hybrids commonly grown for silage in Kentucky.
PR-726: Kentucky Corn Silage Hybrid Performance Report, 2017
Ricky Arnett, Matthew Campbell, Chad Lee, Linda McClanahan, Nick Roy, Will Stallard | Nov. 28, 2017 (New)
The objective of the Silage Corn Hybrid Performance Test is to provide unbiased forage yield and quality data for corn hybrids commonly grown for silage in Kentucky.
PR-723: Kentucky Silage Hybrid Performance Test, 2016
David Appelman, Chad Lee, Jerry Little, Nick Roy, Will Stallard | Nov. 28, 2016 (New)
The objective of the Silage Corn Hybrid Performance Test is to provide unbiased forage yield and quality data for corn hybrids commonly grown for silage in Kentucky.
PR-691: 2015 Kentucky Silage Hybrid Performance Test
David Appelman, Rickey Arnett, Dan Grigson, Chad Lee, Jerry Little, Nick Roy | Oct. 29, 2015 (New)
Hybrids were evaluated for silage performance on cooperating farms. Representatives from seed companies submitted hybrids of their choosing. University of Kentucky personnel or third-party contractors planted the hybrid seeds. Farmers applied the soil fertility and pest management. University of Kentucky personnel harvested, weighed, chopped, and packaged corn for quality analysis. University personnel conducted the statistical analyses and final reporting of hybrid performance.