Numbered Publications by Sanderson, Tyler
AEN-129: Measuring Discharge in Wadeable Streams
Carmen Agouridis, Whitney Blackburn-Lynch, Tyler Sanderson | Feb. 9, 2016 (New)
Knowing the amount of water flowing in a stream can improve management practices such as those related to streambank erosion, pollutant loading and transport, and flood control. Streamflow or discharge is defined as the volume of water moving past a specific point in a stream for a fixed period of time.
ID-228: Aquatic Macroinvertebrates: Biological Indicators of Stream Health
Carmen Agouridis, Blake Newton, Tyler Sanderson, Evan Wesley | May. 12, 2015 (New)
Streams are an important part of the landscape. Streams transport water, sediment and energy; provide habitat for aquatic life and support terrestrial life; provide a place for recreation; and in many cases serve as a water supply. The health of streams---or their ability to perform these important functions---is dependent on the conditions of the watersheds which they drain. Changes in land use within a watershed can affect a stream's health.