Numbered Publications by Snell, Will
ID-160: Burley and Dark Tobacco Production Guide, 2025-2026
Andy Bailey, Bob Pearce, Travis Legleiter, Edwin Ritchey, Will Snell, Ric Bessin, Wayne Sanderson, Ann Fisher | Jan. 27, 2025 (Major Revision)
Labor challenges and increasing production costs have continued to reduce profit margins for all tobacco growers. According to the 2022 Ag Census results, the total number of tobacco farms in the U.S. dropped to 2987. This was 3250 fewer tobacco farms than reported in the 2017 Ag Census. Growers choosing to remain in tobacco production must continue to take steps to be efficient while maintaining a high-level of cured leaf quality and productivity. The recommendations described in this guide represent the best-known practices for producing high yields and good quality burley and dark tobacco.
AEC-99: The Kentucky Agricultural Economic Outlook for 2013
Alison Davis, Will Snell, Jeff Stringer, Billy Thomas, Tim Woods | Dec. 5, 2012 (New)
AEC-83: Overview of Kentucky's Tobacco Economy
Steve Goetz, Will Snell | Jun. 1, 1997 (New)
AEC-82: The US Tobacco Program: How It Works and Who Pays for It
Will Snell | Sep. 1, 1996 (New)
AEC-79: 1995 Farm Bill
Craig Infanger, Steve Isaacs, Lee Meyer, Steve Riggins, Will Snell | May. 1, 1995 (New)
AEC-71: Macroeconomic Policy Linkages to Agriculture
Craig Infanger, Mary Marchant, Will Snell | Dec. 2, 1993 (Reprinted)
AEC-76: Buying and Selling Burley Quota: What Factors Should Farmers Consider?
Orlando Chambers, Will Snell | Oct. 1, 1991 (Reprinted)
AEC-75: Macroeconomic and International Policy Terms
Mary Marchant, Will Snell | Jul. 1, 1991 (Reprinted)
AEC-72: A Review of Macroeconomic Policy Linkages to Agriculture
Larry Jones, Will Snell | Jul. 1, 1991 (Reprinted)