Numbered Publications by Stamper, Donald
ID-229: All-Weather Surfaces for Cattle Watering Facilities
Steve Higgins, Kevin Laurent, Kylie Schmidt, Donald Stamper | Jul. 28, 2015 (New)
Strategically locating the watering facility will also provide production benefits such as increased forage utilization and improved access to water, and may possibly reduce the cost per pasture of providing water. This publication will provide guidelines for the location, design, and construction of all-weather surfaces for cattle watering facilities.
AEN-100: Building a Grade Stabilization Structure to Control Erosion
Steve Higgins, Donald Stamper, Sarah Wightman | Jun. 15, 2011 (New)
Gully erosion creates large eroded channels that become problematic for many farms. Gullies form in natural drainage swales when vegetation in the swale is lost through overgrazing or tillage practices. They cause valuable soil to erode, and they form large channels that drain runoff into streams. This runoff can carry sediment, nutrients, and pathogens that can degrade the water quality.
AEN-98: Alternative Water Source: Developing Springs for Livestock
Steve Higgins, Donald Stamper, Sarah Wightman | May. 5, 2011 (New)
Water supply is a key component in livestock production. One option producers have when providing water is to develop an existing spring, which occurs when groundwater running along an impervious rock layer hits a fracture and discharges on the surface.
ID-176: Using Soil Cement on Horse and Livestock Farms
Spencer Guinn, Steve Higgins, Donald Stamper | Aug. 3, 2009 (New)
Most farmers in Kentucky can identify with a myriad of problems associated with mud forming around high traffic areas, including areas around horse and cattle waterers, feed bunks, round bale feeders, walk paths and gate entrances. Mud is usually a result of animals congregating in and around these areas, but increased traffic can enhance the problem. In many cases, finding solutions to mud problems on farms is not the issue--the issue is determining how to make solutions economical.
ID-168: Composting Horse Muck
Bob Coleman, Victoria Gallagher, Steve Higgins, Donald Stamper, Steve Workman | Oct. 10, 2007 (New)