Numbered Publications: ELK1
ELK1-205: Followership
Kristina Ricketts | Apr. 7, 2009 (New)
A primary purpose behind this publication is to illustrate how indispensable good followers are to a good leader. To do this we will lay out the basics of followership, introduce the leader-follower loop, confer on why individuals follow and finally discuss two key aspects of good followership--essential qualities and the importance of leader/follower collaboration.
ELK1-102: Behaving Intelligently: Leadership Traits and Characteristics
Kristina Ricketts | Mar. 12, 2009 (New)
Sometimes effective leadership is more of a mark of successfully matching a leader (and their unique skills and characteristics) with the appropriate situation, rather than changing or developing specific leadership characteristics.
ELK1-103: Leadership versus Management
Kristina Ricketts | Feb. 26, 2009 (New)
In this document, we will address fundamental definitions of leadership and management, behaviors consistent with effective leadership and management, and the specific types of skills that contribute toward effective management.
ELK1-101: Competent Leaders: What Effective Leaders do Well
Kristina Ricketts | Feb. 19, 2009 (New)
In this publication, we will discuss how to measure leadership effectiveness, some common characteristics of effective leaders, the difference between successful and effective leaders, and some obstacles leaders encounter in being effective.
ELK1-100: Say Hello to Leadership
Kristina Ricketts | Jan. 20, 2009 (New)
Interacting effectively with other people is important to everyone--whether employee, leader, follower, constituent, or community member. Learning the basics of leadership could be the best hour you have ever spent on life-long learning.