Numbered Publications: FCS1
FCS1-411: Be a Table Etiquette Superstar!
Sandra Bastin, Debbie Clouthier | Aug. 2, 2023 (Major Revision)
Your resume may get you the interview, but your personal skills will get you the job. One set of personal skills is table manners or etiquette. Etiquette is simply a set of rules to add enjoyment to any meal or social occasion. Table manners play a vital role in making a favorable impression on those around you.
FCS1-358: Your Family Tree
Patty Smith | Sep. 1, 2000 (Minor Revision)
FCS1-206: A Guide to Public Speaking
Martha Nall | Jun. 30, 2000 (Reprinted)
FCS1-320: Dealing Creatively with Conflict
Sam Quick | Apr. 20, 2000 (Reprinted)
FCS1-323: Famous Kentucky Women
Patty Smith | Jan. 1, 2000 (Reprinted)