Numbered Publications by Walters, Cory
Trend Adjustment Availability for Wheat in Kentucky
Cory Walters | Apr. 17, 2013 (New)
Over the past thirty years, the Kentucky Small Grain Growers have invested nearly 2 million in research dollars aimed at improving Kentucky wheat yields. Consequently, Kentucky producers face a wheat yield trend. The purpose of this short article is to highlight why TA-APH availability for wheat is essential for Kentucky wheat producers.
ID-205: Drought-Stressed Corn Silage Valuation, 2012
Kenny Burdine, Greg Halich, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Cory Walters | Feb. 6, 2013 (New)
Extended dry conditions have impacted the corn crop severely in many areas of the state this year. As the condition of the corn crop deteriorates, many have been forced to look at salvage options such as cutting corn for silage and possibly hay for some fields. Due to the extreme weather conditions this year, this publication will focus on valuing drought-stressed corn silage.
AEC-98: Understanding and Quantifying Year-to-Year Changes in the ACRE Revenue Guarantee
Cory Walters | Feb. 20, 2012 (New)
The United States Department of Agriculture's Average Crop Revenue Election (ACRE) Program guarantees producers revenue at the state level, which is tied to state crop production and the National Average Market Price. Payments trigger when the current state revenue is less than the ACRE program guarantee.
ID-198: Benefits and Costs Associated with the Wheat Storage Hedge
Doug Johnson, Sam McNeill, Cory Walters | Jan. 24, 2012 (New)
Each year producers must decide whether to store or sell their crop at harvest. Market prices are important in guiding producers on whether to store priced grain for future delivery (referred to as a storage hedge), store unpriced grain, or sell. Generally, producers know more about deciding to sell or store unpriced grain than using the storage hedge. This publication explains how a storage hedge works, when to use it, and risks and costs involved. (See glossary for definition of terms.)
AEC-96: An Introduction to Futures Hedging for Grain Producers
Collin Allgood, Leigh Maynard, Cory Walters | Aug. 12, 2010 (New)
This guide is written for farm producers who want to know the basics of how futures markets operate and how to use them for protection against the risk of falling prices.