Numbered Publications by Wimberly, Kathy
ID-89: How Dry Seasons Affect Landscape Plants
Susan Fox, Nicole Gauthier, Kathy Wimberly | Jul. 1, 2014 (Major Revision)
Pattern, frequency, and amounts of rainfall are important components to plant health. Water is an essential plant component, making up 70 percent to 90 percent of plant mass. During dry seasons and drought conditions, plants become stressed. Growth ceases, nutrient transport slows, and plants wilt as cells become water-deficient. Severe, long-term, or consecutive drought events may cause permanent damage.
CLD1-1-ANR: The Power of Motivation: ANR Facilitator's Guide
Chuck Stamper, Kathy Wimberly | Jul. 31, 2012 (New)
Motivation, as a concept, explains why people think and behave the way they do. To achieve personal or organizational success one must recognize key concepts that motivate behavior to meet needs and desires.