Numbered Publications: FOR
FOR-71: Wild About Wildflowers
Tom Barnes | Dec. 7, 2002 (Reprinted)
The purpose of this publication is to provide information about native Kentucky wildflowers and their conservation in the wild. If you choose to develop a garden to attract wildlife or a garden based on native plant materials, the information and ideas contained in this publication will allow you to make a more informed choice about plant material.
FOR-67: Kentucky Forest Practice Guidelines for Water Quality Management
Jeff Stringer | Mar. 15, 2002 (Minor Revision)
FOR-42: Managing Mole Problems in Kentucky
Tom Barnes | Jun. 30, 2001 (Minor Revision)
FOR-97: Attracting Hummingbirds to the Garden
Tom Barnes | Sep. 30, 2000 (New)
FOR-95: What Is Forestry?
Marcella Szymanski | Sep. 1, 2000 (Reprinted)
FOR-70: Determining Best Management Practices for Timber Harvesting Operations in Kentucky: A Training Manual for Loggers
Jeff Stringer | Aug. 25, 2000 (Reprinted)
FOR-68: Trees, Shrubs and Vines That Attract Wildlife
Tom Barnes | Apr. 1, 2000 (Reprinted)
FOR-93: Definition of Conservation Practices in Kentucky
Jeff Stringer | Feb. 1, 2000 (Reprinted)
FOR-94: Financial Assistance Guide for Conservation Practices in Kentucky
Jeff Stringer | Feb. 1, 2000 (Reprinted)
FOR-44: Managing Woodchuck Problems in Kentucky
Tom Barnes | May. 30, 1999 (Minor Revision)