Numbered Publications: Agricultural Economics
CLD1-4: Influencing Others with the Stories You Tell
Steve Isaacs | Jan. 6, 2011 (New)
Effective leaders have learned that good illustrations can make a point. Stories can be used to train, mentor, and coach others.
CCD-CP-115: Rhubarb
Matthew Ernst, Cheryl Kaiser | Dec. 20, 2010 (Minor Revision)
Rhubarb (Rheum rhabarbarum) is a winter-hardy herbaceous perennial grown for its edible leaf stalks. The tart-flavored stalks are most commonly used in pies, often in combination with strawberries for added sweetness. The leaves themselves are not eaten, either cooked or raw, as they contain toxic levels of oxalic acid.
AEC-96: An Introduction to Futures Hedging for Grain Producers
Collin Allgood, Leigh Maynard, Cory Walters | Aug. 12, 2010 (New)
This guide is written for farm producers who want to know the basics of how futures markets operate and how to use them for protection against the risk of falling prices.
PR-602: 2009 Nursery and Landscape Research Report
Sharon Bale, Win Dunwell, Rick Durham, Bill Fountain, Bob Geneve, John Hartman, Dewayne Ingram, John Obrycki, Dan Potter, Richard Warner, Tim Woods | Jan. 7, 2010 (New)
The 2009 report has been organized according to our primary areas of emphasis: production and economics, pest management, and plant evaluation. These areas reflect stated industry needs, expertise available at UK, and the nature of research projects around the world that generate information applicable to Kentucky.
AEC-95: The Economics of Biofuels: An Overview
Alison Davis | Sep. 18, 2009 (New)
Recently a large amount of interest has been shown in renewable energy options in Kentucky. Many seem to have recognized both the positive and negative impacts of the corn-based ethanol trend we have seen in the last few years.
AEC-94: Buying a Home 101
Alison Davis | Jul. 9, 2009 (New)
At a time when housing prices were increasing at a tremendous rate, banks could taste the profits associated with giving loans to families who did not understand the financial commitment they were signing their names to. To avoid falling into the same pattern, it is imperative that you understand all of the terms of the loan and that you are sure that the loan payments fall within your budget.
PR-572: 2008 Fruit and Vegetable Research Report
Doug Archbold, Tim Coolong, Tom Cottrell, Rick Durham, Vaden Fenton, John Hartman, Nathan Howard, Nathan Howell, Wuyang Hu, Dewayne Ingram, Terry Jones, Kaan Kurtural, Joe Masabni, Kenny Seebold, Bonnie Sigmon, Chris Smigell, John Snyder, Dave Spalding, John Strang, Paul Vincelli, Richard Warner, John Wilhoit, Mark Williams, Tim Woods | Dec. 1, 2008 (New)
PR-571: 2008 Nursery and Landscape Research Report
Sharon Bale, Win Dunwell, Rick Durham, Bill Fountain, Richard Gates, Bob Geneve, John Hartman, Ken Haynes, Dewayne Ingram, Dan Potter, Richard Warner, Tim Woods | Dec. 1, 2008 (New)
HO-81: Ornamental Corn Production
Ric Bessin, Tim Coolong, Terry Jones, Joe Masabni, Kenny Seebold, Tim Woods | Jul. 10, 2008 (Minor Revision)
Understanding USDA's Livestock Risk Protection Insurance Program for Feeder Catle
Kenny Burdine, Greg Halich | Jul. 1, 2008 (New)