Numbered Publications: Animal and Food Sciences
ID-261: Are Common Stall Fans Effective? Orientation, Placement, and Fan Style
Bob Coleman, Morgan Hayes, Staci McGill, Kimberly Tumlin | May. 13, 2020 (New)
During summer months, horse owners hang fans around their barn and stalls in an effort to increase air movement to reduce temperature and flies in stall areas. These fans typically are 20-inch 3-speed box fans or 20-inch high velocity mounted fans. Both fans are easy to find at any home improvement or big box store and are ready to use with little to no assembly. But are these commonly used fans really serving these intended purposes?
4AJ-03PA: Kentucky 4-H Poultry Barbecue Contests
Jacquie Jacob, Tony Pescatore | Mar. 9, 2020 (Minor Revision)
In the chicken barbecue contest, participants prepare four bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs provided by the contest monitors. The four thighs together will weigh 1.5-2.0 lb. They are judged on their cooking skills. The participants submit three of the thighs for sensory evaluation. No garnishes, dips, or additional items shall be presented on the plates and or submitted to the judges. In the turkey barbecue contest, each contestant will be provided two pounds of ground turkey. The turkey will not be available prior to the contest starting time. They need to prepare and cook turkey burgers. Each burger must be one-quarter pound of meat prior to cooking.
PR-772: 2019 Cool-Season Grass Horse Grazing Tolerance Report
Jimmy Henning, Laurie Lawrence, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch | Dec. 5, 2019 (New)
Cool-season grasses such as Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue, and orchardgrass are dominant pasture grasses for horses in Kentucky. Variety evaluations for yield have been carried out for many years, but little work has been done to establish the effect of variety on persistence when subjected to close, continuous grazing by horses. The purpose of this report is to summarize current research on the grazing tolerance of varieties of tall fescue, orchardgrass, and other species when subjected to continuous heavy grazing pressure by horses within the grazing season. The main focus will be on stand survival
ID-259: Suitable Spaces for Indoor Horse Activities
Bob Coleman, Morgan Hayes, Staci McGill | Oct. 14, 2019 (New)
Many horse owners involved in the industry look for an indoor arena in which to work horses regardless of weather. These facilities might be at home or at a community location for many riders to access. The following highlights some common characteristics and requirements of indoor arenas. While these act as minimums, many disciplines and activities may require additional investment in facilities, such as larger dimensions, more lighting, special footing, etc.
ID-258: Weaning Beef Calves
Les Anderson, Michelle Arnold, Darrh Bullock, Jeff Lehmkuhler | Sep. 17, 2019 (New)
Weaning is the process of separating suckling offspring from their dam. Weaning is a management procedure applied by the herd manager. Cattle are herd animals and their gregarious nature can lead to stress as a result of this separation. Managing the weaning process can aid in reducing stress for the animals and livestock managers.
ID-188: Strategic Winter Feeding of Cattle using a Rotational Grazing Structure
Steve Higgins, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Sarah Wightman | Jul. 30, 2019 (Reviewed)
Winter feeding of cattle is a necessary part of nearly all cow-calf operations. In winter months, livestock producers often confine animals to smaller "sacrifice" pastures to reduce the area damaged from winter feeding. A poorly chosen site for winter feeding can have significant negative impacts on soil and water quality. Such areas include locations in floodplains, such as those along creek bottoms or around barns near streams. These locations are convenient, flat areas for setting hay ring feeders; however, their negative effects on water quality outweigh the convenience.
ASC-243: Managing Dry, Open Ewes
Debra Aaron, Don Ely | Jul. 25, 2019 (New)
Ewes on vacation should remain healthy, but not become obese. Keeping them in a BCS of 1.5 to 2.0 will not be an easy chore because all they have to do is graze and deposit body fat. Limiting forage dry matter consumption to 2.0% of body weight daily through stocking rate management and rotational grazing is the best way to keep ewes from becoming excessively fat. If ewes have an optimum BCS at the beginning of nutritional flushing, and are flushed correctly, 95 to 98% of the ewes will conceive in a short period of the breeding season and lambing rate can be increased by 15 to 20% above that of less intensely managed ewes.
ASC-242: Composting Poultry Litter in Your Backyard
Jacquie Jacob, Tony Pescatore | May. 2, 2019 (New)
Keeping laying hens in the backyard is popular, but along with a daily supply of eggs, the hens also produce a large supply of manure. Fresh poultry manure has an unpleasant odor and will attract flies. Bedding material, such as pine shavings, is put down on the coop floor to help control odors and flies, but eventually the litter (manure and bedding material) needs to be replaced. While poultry manure can be an excellent fertilizer, it should not be used fresh. "Raw" manure can burn plants and may contain pathogens that could contaminate any plants being grown for consumption. Composting makes the manure safe to use as a fertilizer on any lawn or garden. Composting involves a process by which billions of beneficial soil organisms decompose the organic material. Simply piling up waste is not really composting. With the right proportions for materials, the process has minimal offensive odor and destroys most of the pathogens in the manure. Compost is both science and art.
CCD-PFS-4: Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA): Produce Safety Rule Agricultural Water, Part 2
Bryan Brady, Badrinath Jagannathan, Mari Schroeder, Paul Vijayakumar | Jan. 29, 2019 (New)
Although the compliance dates for the Produce Safety Rule Agricultural Water have been extended, growers are encouraged to start familiarizing themselves with the process of water sampling. In continuation to Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA): Produce Safety Rule Agricultural Water, Introduction that discussed the different types of water sources, how to calculate a water sample and a brief overview of how to properly take a sample, this paper will explain in detail how and where to take water samples for testing. In addition, it will also provide details on how to read and understand the results of your water test and how to build a water profile. Finally, it will include a list and map with the locations of all labs with approved methods to make compliance as simple as possible.
ID-252: Equine Cushing's Disease or PPID
Amanda Adams, Fernanda Camargo, Ashton Miller | Dec. 18, 2018 (New)
Pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID) is one of the most common endocrine diseases in horses, generally affecting those over the age of 15 years. It is also frequently referred to as Equine Cushing's Disease. PPID is caused by degenerative changes in an area of the brain known as the pituitary gland, hence the name of the disease. This gland is located at the base of the brain. In horses with PPID, the specific section of the pituitary gland that is most affected is called the pars intermedia. Unfortunately, in horses with PPID, changes occur within this gland, which results in increased production of a hormone called adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).