Numbered Publications: HO
HO-127: Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Production Manual of the Organic Farming Unit at the University of Kentucky
Krista Jacobsen, Rachel Rudolph, Mark Williams | Nov. 3, 2022 (New)
The University of Kentucky Community Supported Agriculture program (UK-CSA), located at the Organic Farming Unit (OFU) of the UK Horticulture Research Farm, has been developing since its inception in 2007. The UK-CSA exists for education, extension, and research, in keeping with the land-grant mission of the university. The farm is one of the only land-grant university teaching farms that is also a commercially productive farm.
HO-108: Economic Impacts of the Kentucky Green Industry
Dewayne Ingram | Nov. 6, 2020 (Major Revision)
The green industry, comprised of firms engaged in the production and use of landscape and floral crops and related supplies and equipment and the design, construction, and maintenance of landscapes, has a significant impact on Kentucky's economy. Green in-dustry enterprise owners, managers, and employees should be aware of their economic impacts, and policy makers and other state leaders need to know the importance of this industry as potential laws, regulations and resource allocations are considered. This publication is intended to provide a brief summary of the 2018 economic impacts of the green industry in Kentucky.
HO-124: Water Use and Water Footprint in Container-Grown Nursery and Greenhouse Crops
Dewayne Ingram, Josh Knight | Oct. 29, 2020 (New)
The objective of this publication is to define the analytical terms that characterize water management and present case studies to illustrate those terms. The comparison of water use and water footprint among specialty crop growers is not only affected by the production system (including species and management strategies) but by geography and season. This document builds upon published models of representative plant production systems. These models include container production using recycled water in the mid-Atlantic, Ohio Valley, southwest, and Pacific northwest regions of the U.S. and greenhouse production implementing rainfall capture and overhead and ebb/flood irrigation strategies in the southeast.
HO-89: Characteristics of Kentucky's Nursery and Greenhouse Industries, 2020
Dewayne Ingram | Oct. 5, 2020 (Major Revision)
The purpose of this publication is to characterize Kentucky's nursery and greenhouse industry in relation to the national and re-gional industry by gleaning information from the national surveys conducted by the Green Industry Research Consortium for 2018, 2013, 2008, and 2003. The survey data will be augmented by information obtained from the experiences of the authors and from conversations with nursery owners. Information is presented relative to employment, plant types sold, product types, markets and marketing channels, sales methods and marketing practices, advertising expenditures, integrated pest management practices, water sources, and irrigation methods.
HO-126: Consumer Horticulture Benefits for Businesses, Workplaces, and Employees
Rick Durham | Sep. 14, 2020 (New)
Consumer Horticulture is the cultivation, use, and enjoyment of plants, gardens, landscapes and related horticultural items to the benefit of individuals, communities, and the environment. These activities rely on the understanding and application of the art and science of horticulture. Consumer horticulture doesn't just impact our lives in terms of our homes, families, and communities. It also intersects with business and industry both in terms of the overall economy as well as the workplace environment that can improve the economic bottom line as well as the health and well-being of employees. In this publication we will focus on ways plants enhance the attractiveness of businesses and how their placement in the workplace may increase the productivity and wellbeing of employees.
HO-121: Ecosystem Services of Landscape Plants: A Guide for Consumers and Communities
Dewayne Ingram, Josh Knight | Nov. 4, 2019 (Minor Revision)
This publication is intended to assist consumers and community groups in learning about the value of landscape plants. Landscape plants play an important role in the urban environment, from reducing urban heat islands to improving the aesthetic experience (i.e. curb appeal) we derive from the landscape of an individual home. Further, there is a growing body of scientific literature evaluating the critical role of trees in landscaping within urban and suburban environments like residential neighborhoods, commercial/industrial areas, and associated green infrastructure like park systems and green belts. One useful tool for articulating the functions landscape plants perform for us is the concept of ecosystem services.
HO-115: Ecosystem Services of Landscape Plants: A Guide for Green Industry Professionals
Dewayne Ingram, Josh Knight | Nov. 4, 2019 (Minor Revision)
This publication is meant to assist green industry professionals in marketing and customer education efforts as they explore marketing their products and services to improve green infrastructure. Consumers are placing increasing value on and acknowledging the critical role that landscape plants play in the urban environment, from reducing urban heat islands to improving the aesthetic experience (i.e. curb appeal) we derive from the landscape of an individual home.
HO-111: Understanding Irrigation Water Test Results and Their Implications on Nursery and Greenhouse Crop Management
Dewayne Ingram | Oct. 24, 2019 (Reviewed)
The purpose of this fact sheet is to discuss irrigation water quality factors and to present general guidelines for optimal ranges for measured factors in a University of Kentucky water analysis for nursery and greenhouse crop production.
HO-82: Rootstocks for Kentucky Fruit Trees
Daniel Becker, John Strang, Dwight Wolfe, Shawn Wright | Oct. 15, 2019 (Major Revision)
Most fruit trees that can be grown in Kentucky do not come true from seed. For example, a tree grown from a Golden Delicious apple seed will produce an apple tree, but the fruit will have different characteristics than Golden Delicious in color, taste, and shape. This is why fruit trees are reproduced by asexual propagation, such as budding and grafting.
HO-117: Guide to Landscape Appraisal of Tree Species in Kentucky Landscapes
Bill Fountain | Aug. 26, 2019 (New)
This publication is intended to aid professionals in determining the value of species in Kentucky (the Commonwealth). This valuation method is not appropriate for valuation of shrubs, forest trees, pasture trees, trees being used for income (i.e. orchards, nursery production, Christmas tree production, etc.). It is solely for trees that are an integral part of a formal, managed landscape.