Numbered Publications: IP
IP-56: Assessment of the Potential for Livestock and Poultry Manure to Provide the Nutrients Removed by Crops and Forages in Kentucky
Les Anderson, Jenny Cocanougher, Richard Coffey, Bill Crist, Ron Fleming, Kim Henken, Doug Overhults, Tony Pescatore, Monroe Rasnake, Bill Thom | Feb. 5, 2025 (Revised)
Livestock and poultry manure has been used for many years to provide basic fertilizer nutrients to improve crop and forage production. In addition, it has long been known that the chemical and physical properties of soils can be improved by applications of animal manure. Because of these benefits, much of the manure produced by livestock and poultry has been and continues to be applied to cropland and pastureland. Not only does this practice benefit crop production, it also has the environmental benefit of recycling nutrients to the soil from which they originated.
IP-73: Living Along a Kentucky Stream
Katherine Bullock, Amanda Gumbert, Lee Moser | May. 10, 2024 (Minor Revision)
Streams are a part of our rich natural legacy. That's why it's important to protect, improve, and preserve them for generations to come.
IP-15: Simple Parliamentary Procedure Guidelines for Better Business Meetings
Kim Henken | Jun. 9, 2023 (Major Revision)
Have you attended a disorganized meeting? A meeting with no flow or focus? A meeting where no votes were taken and attendees did not feel like they made decisions? Chances are people left feeling like their time was not valued. Utilizing parliamentary procedure can help an organization, board, or governing body to have a productive, orderly meeting. A presiding officer can lead a more effective meeting when all members of the group have basic knowledge of parliamentary procedure.
IP-76: Hazardous Chemicals and Your Body
Lisa Gaetke, Ashley Osborne | Jun. 21, 2016 (Minor Revision)
Environmental contaminants, such as persistent organic pollutants, may contribute to an increased risk for chronic disease if they occur for long enough or at high enough levels. Research has shown that some hazardous chemicals may even cause the body to be more vulnerable to such medical conditions as cancer, poor immune system response, altered nervous system function, and cardiovascular disease. The good news is that certain dietary strategies may provide a defense for combating the effects of these contaminants while improving your overall health.
IP-78: Understanding Produce Safety Programs and Making a Food Safety Plan
Melissa Newman, Pam Sigler, Paul Vijayakumar | Apr. 4, 2016 (New)
Safety of fresh vegetables and fruits is very important because these products are often consumed raw or are minimally processed. For the safety of consumers, farmers who produce our food must know the best practices available to produce, process, handle, and store fresh produce.
IP-77: Know the Facts: Hazardous Chemicals and Your Body
Ashley Osborne | Oct. 9, 2008 (New)
IP-74: A Guide to Open Burning
Amanda Gumbert | Aug. 22, 2007 (Reprinted)
IP-75: Know the Facts Before You Burn
Amanda Gumbert | Oct. 31, 2006 (Reprinted)
IP-72: Protect Your Child from Environmental Health Risks
Kim Henken, Denise Hoffman | May. 15, 2005 (Minor Revision)
IP-71: Nutrient Management in Kentucky
Amanda Gumbert, Monroe Rasnake, Joe Taraba, Bill Thom | Dec. 1, 2001 (New)
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