Numbered Publications: Entomology
ID-160: Burley and Dark Tobacco Production Guide, 2025-2026
Andy Bailey, Bob Pearce, Travis Legleiter, Edwin Ritchey, Will Snell, Ric Bessin, Wayne Sanderson, Ann Fisher | Jan. 27, 2025 (Major Revision)
Labor challenges and increasing production costs have continued to reduce profit margins for all tobacco growers. According to the 2022 Ag Census results, the total number of tobacco farms in the U.S. dropped to 2987. This was 3250 fewer tobacco farms than reported in the 2017 Ag Census. Growers choosing to remain in tobacco production must continue to take steps to be efficient while maintaining a high-level of cured leaf quality and productivity. The recommendations described in this guide represent the best-known practices for producing high yields and good quality burley and dark tobacco.
ID-93: Midwest Tree Fruit Pest Management Handbook
Ric Bessin, Gerald Brown, John Strang | Oct. 18, 2024 (Minor Revision)
This tree fruit production guide is presented in an ongoing attempt to better serve midwestern fruit growers. Financial constraints make publication of fruit production circulars by each of the North Central states increasingly difficult. By pooling the resources and expertise of the various states, Extension specialists believe that this publication will be of better quality, with information adaptable over a wider range of climates, soil conditions, and orchard management schemes. This cooperation enables the authors to include more information at greater depth that should be of value to you, the grower.
ID-128: Home Vegetable Gardening in Kentucky
Ric Bessin, Rick Durham, Brad Lee, Rachel Rudolph, Mark Williams, Shawn Wright | Jul. 22, 2024 (Minor Revision)
A well-planned and properly kept garden should produce 600 to 700 pounds of produce per 1,000 square feet and may include many different crops. Consult "Vegetable Cultivars for Kentucky Gardens" (ID-133) for the latest recommendations on home vegetable varieties.
ID-36: Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers, 2024-25
Ric Bessin, Nicole Gauthier, Kimberly Leonberger, Misbah Munir, Rachel Rudolph, Shawn Wright | Jan. 29, 2024 (Major Revision)
Successful vegetable production generally requires the grower to make daily decisions regarding pest management, irrigation, and cultural practices. Would-be growers unwilling to make serious investments of time (and money) should not attempt to expand beyond a space at the farmers' market. It is important for vegetable growers to have a market outlet for their product before they choose to start production.
ENT-69: Integrated Pest Management: Kentucky Master Gardener Manual Chapter 10
Jonathan Larson | Jan. 16, 2024 (Major Revision)
Pests can be insects, weeds, vertebrates, and diseases. Any organism that causes harm to crops, livestock, or humans can be considered problematic and therefore must be managed.
ENT-70: Pesticides and Pesticide Safety: Kentucky Master Gardener Manual Chapter 11
Lee Townsend | Jan. 16, 2024 (Major Revision)
Pest is not a biological term for an organism's environmental role as are the words plant, herbivore, predator, and scavenger. It is a term for an organism that is either causing damage or is somewhere where it's not wanted.
ENT-68: Insects: Kentucky Master Gardener Manual Chapter 7
Jonathan Larson | Jan. 16, 2024 (Major Revision)
Insects are the most biodiverse group of animals on earth. Amazingly, there are about one million total species of insects known currently, with the possibility of tens of millions more left to discover.
ID-194: Diagnosing Plant Problems: Kentucky Master Gardener Manual Chapter 6
Jessica Bessin, Rick Durham, Nicole Gauthier, Adam Leonberger, Kimberly Leonberger, Matthew Springer, Lee Townsend, Stacy White, Erica Wood | Jan. 16, 2024 (Major Revision)
For those with a green thumb, growing plants may seem easy. However, when plant problems arise, determining the cause of these issues can be difficult. Developing the skills necessary to determine the cause of a plant problem takes experience and time.
ID-184S: Guia de Monitoreo de MIP para Problemas Comunes del Maiz Dulce (Elote) en Kentucky
Ric Bessin, Tim Coolong, Kenny Seebold | Dec. 22, 2023 (Major Revision)
Este manual es el resultado de los esfuerzos del equipo MIP para Vegetales de la Universidad de Kentucky. El financiamiento para esta publicacion en ingles fue proporcionado por el Programa de Manejo Integrado de Plagas y el Servicio Cooperativo de Extension de la Universidad de Kentucky. La version en espanol de esta publicacion fue posible gracias a fondos de la USDA Smith-Lever.
ID-172s: Guia de Monitoreo de MIP para Plagas Comunes de los Cultivos de Solanaceas en Kentucky
Ric Bessin, Nicole Gauthier, Rachel Rudolph, Shawn Wright | Dec. 22, 2023 (Major Revision)
Este manual es el resultado de los esfuerzos del equipo de MIP en vegetales de la Universidad de Kentucky.
Financiamiento para esta publicacion fue proporcionado por la Proteccion de Cultivos y Manejo de Plagas (CPPM), el Programa de Implementacion de Extension (EIP), propuesta No. 2021-70006-35440 de el Instituto Nacional de Alimentos y Agricultura de la USDA. La version en espanol de esta publicacion fue posible gracias a fondos de la USDA Smith-Lever.
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