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Extension Publications

Estate Planning Part 8: Planning Your Digital Estate

Estate Planning Part 8: Planning Your Digital Estate

FCS5-465: Estate Planning Part 8: Planning Your Digital Estate

Authored by: Alex Elswick Nichole Huff

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With so much vital information stored online, the nature of estate planning has changed. Although you may still have many important documents in paper format, it is likely that much of your financial documents are digitized. It may seem obvious that important digital information such as online bank accounts should be addressed in estate planning, but other kinds of digital assets such as social media accounts, text messages, or even pictures stored in the cloud may have sentimental value for your loved ones. Email accounts and online retail accounts may house critical personal information that you may wish securely kept. Unfortunately, planning for these kinds of assets is typically neglected by individuals and their advisors. In order to ensure the safety and security of this kind of digital information, you will want to create a digital estate plan.

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Publication Date

Apr. 7, 2022


Multi-Part Series


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Tawana Brown
Associate Director, Educational Publications

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+1 (859) 257-7566
