Extension Publications
Extension Publications

Human-Horse-Environment Interface: Metals in Indoor Horse Arenas

Human-Horse-Environment Interface: Metals in Indoor Horse Arenas

ID-270: Human-Horse-Environment Interface: Metals in Indoor Horse Arenas

Authored by: Bob Coleman Morgan Hayes Erin Haynes Staci McGill Kimberly Tumlin

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A University of Kentucky research collaboration analyzed footing samples for metal concentrations as part of a larger study on indoor arenas. By determining what metals are present within the indoor arena footing, we can begin to develop an idea of the metals which could potentially become airborne particulates as horses are worked in the arenas. To date, metals haven’t been as widely considered when considering respirable particulate matter (PM) that can impact horses and humans in the arena environment.

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Publication Date

Jun. 21, 2021


Multi-Part Series


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Contact Information

Tawana Brown
Associate Director, Educational Publications

361 Blazer Dining 343 S. Martin Luther King Blvd. Lexington, KY 40526-0012

+1 (859) 257-7566
