Numbered Publications: Plant and Soil Sciences
PR-746: 2018 Tall Fescue and Bromegrass Report
Jimmy Henning, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch | Nov. 27, 2018 (New)
This report provides current yield data on tall fescue varieties and similar grass species in trials in Kentucky as well as guidelines for selecting tall fescue varieties. Tables 13 and 14 show a summary of all tall fescue and bromegrass varieties tested in Kentucky for the past 17 years.
PR-750: 2018 Red and White Clover Grazing Tolerance Report
Joey Clark, Jimmy Henning, Gene Olson, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch | Nov. 27, 2018 (New)
This report summarizes research on the grazing tolerance of clover varieties when subjected to continuous grazing pressure. Table 10 shows a summary of all white clover varieties tested in Kentucky during the last 15 years.
PR-747: 2018 Timothy and Kentucky Bluegrass Report
Jimmy Henning, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch | Nov. 27, 2018 (New)
This report provides maturity and yield data on timothy and Kentucky bluegrass varieties included in yield trials in Kentucky. Tables 10 and 11 show summaries of all timothy and Kentucky bluegrass varieties tested in Kentucky for the last 15 years.
PR-751: 2018 Cool-Season Grass Grazing Tolerance Report
Joey Clark, Jimmy Henning, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch | Nov. 27, 2018 (New)
Cool-season grasses such as tall fescue, orchardgrass, and Kentucky bluegrass are the primary pasture grasses in Kentucky. Other species such as perennial ryegrass, festulolium, and the brome grasses can be used in pasture systems. Little is known about the effect of variety on the grazing tolerance of these cool-season grass species. The purpose of this report is to summarize current research on the grazing tolerance of varieties of tall fescue, orchardgrass, perennial ryegrass, and other species when they are subjected to continuous, heavy grazing pressure by cattle within the grazing season. The main focus will be on plant stand survival.
PR-745: 2018 Orchardgrass Report
Jimmy Henning, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch | Nov. 20, 2018 (New)
This report provides current yield data on orchardgrass varieties included in yield trials in Kentucky as well as guidelines for selecting orchardgrass varieties. Table 11 shows a summary of all orchardgrass varieties tested in Kentucky for the last 15 years. The UK Forage Extension website, at, contains electronic versions of all forage variety testing reports from Kentucky and surrounding states and from a large number of other forage publications.
PR-744: 2018 Red and White Clover Report
Jimmy Henning, Gene Olson, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch | Nov. 19, 2018 (New)
This report provides current yield and persistence data on red and white clover varieties included in yield trials in Kentucky as well as guidelines for selecting clover varieties. Tables 12 and 13 show a summary of all clover varieties tested in Kentucky for the past 15 years. The UK Forage Extension website at contains electronic versions of all forage variety testing reports from Kentucky and surrounding states and a large number of other forage publications.
PR-743: 2018 Alfalfa Report
Jimmy Henning, Gene Olson, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch | Nov. 19, 2018 (New)
This report provides yield data on alfalfa varieties included in current yield trials in Kentucky as well as guidelines for selecting alfalfa varieties. Tables 14 and 15 (Roundup Ready varieties) shows a summary of all alfalfa varieties tested in Kentucky during the past 16 years. The UK Forage Extension website, at, contains electronic versions of all forage variety testing reports from Kentucky and surrounding states as well as a large number of other forage publications.
AGR-238: Establishing and Managing Bermudagrasses in the Transition Zone
Gregg Munshaw, Travis Shaddox | Nov. 12, 2018 (New)
Bermudagrasses have been successfully grown on athletic fields and golf courses in the transition zone for many years. Although each year some level of winterkill threat exists, bermudagrass remains an excellent surface for golf and sports. Seeded varieties of bermudagrasses have been the most common choices in Kentucky due to the availability of seed of good varieties as well as the ease of planting seed versus living plant material. There are, however, several outstanding vegetative bermudagrass cultivars that are adapted to the transition zone.
PR-756: 2018 Kentucky Hybrid Corn Performance Test
Cam Kenimer, Chad Lee, M.W. Piersawl | Oct. 26, 2018 (New)
The objective of the Kentucky Hybrid Corn Performance Test is to provide relative performance estimates of hybrid seed corn sold in Kentucky. The test attempts to treat every hybrid similarly in an unbiased manner. Agronomic practices that meet or exceed university guidelines are implemented at each location.
ID-250: An Introduction to Industrial Hemp and Hemp Agronomy
Rich Mundell, David Williams | Jul. 20, 2018 (New)
Cannabis sativa is a summer annual plant that is strongly photoperiod-sensitive (flowers according to day length/photoperiod; not physiological maturity). It is mostly dioecious in that male and female flowers occur on separate plants (i.e. there are both male plants and female plants). However, there are also several monoecious commercial varieties (male and female flower parts on the same plant). Different plant parts are harvested for specific purposes, and modern day hemp may be produced for one or more purposes. Depending on the harvestable component of interest, (i.e. fiber, grain or cannabinoids) male plants and/or pollen might be vitally necessary or completely unwanted.