Numbered Publications by Norris, Annhall
FCS3-334: Home Freezing Basics
Annhall Norris, Sandra Bastin | Feb. 28, 2025 (Minor Revision)
Are you interested in saving time on meal preparation? Do you want to minimize food waste? Would you like to save money by extending the harvest from your garden, prolonging the use of leftovers, or stretching out the shelf life of sale items from the store? If the answer to any or all these questions is “yes,” consider preserving these foods by freezing. Freezing is one of the easiest, most convenient, and least time-consuming methods of preserving foods. Using your home freezer, basic containers, and research-based preparation techniques, you can extend the shelf life of most foods.
FCS3-642: Savor the Flavor: Using Kitchen Tools and Appliances
Janet Mullins, Heather Norman-Burgdolf, Annhall Norris | Apr. 25, 2023 (New)
When adding flavor to a meal, what is the first thing you think of? Is it herbs and spices? Or the cooking method, such as sauteing or braising? There are several kitchen appliances and food preparation tools that can also take the flavor of your meal to the next level. Are these tools and appliances organized in your kitchen in a way that makes them easy to use? This publication will focus on seven different tools and cooking techniques that add flavor to meals.
NEP-230: Cook Wild Kentucky: Fishing in Kentucky
Elizabeth Coots, Jann Knappage, Annhall Norris, Gregg Rentfrow, Matthew Springer, Jackie Walters, Martha Yount | May. 25, 2022 (New)
Kentucky offers some of the best fishing chances around. Among our rolling hills, you will find over 62,000 miles of fishable streams and 40 public lakes. Fishing is fun for all ages, and prime fishing spots can be found yearround across the state. Anglers take to the water each year for fun or food. Kentucky is home to bass, catfish, trout, sunfish, and more.
FCS3-634: Savor the Flavor: Exploring Cooking Methods
Heather Norman-Burgdolf, Annhall Norris, Janet Tietyen-Mullins | May. 16, 2022 (New)
Making food that provides exciting and delicious flavors can seem like a difficult task. Many people believe it is necessary to have more ingredients to make a better or tastier meal. Some may even feel they can only get these types of meals by eating out. That is not true!
NEP-229: Cook Wild Kentucky: Introduction to Wild Game in Kentucky
Elizabeth Coots, Jann Knappage, Annhall Norris, Gregg Rentfrow, Matthew Springer, Jackie Walters, Martha Yount | Mar. 23, 2021 (New)
In Kentucky, many people enjoy being outdoors to hunt, fish, and trap. Kentucky is home to a wide range of wildlife with nearly 1,000 kinds of animals. We have the most elk this side of the Mississippi River. You can also find black bear, white-tailed deer, turkey, waterfowl, and bobwhite quail in our state.
FCS3-595: Recommended Food Storage Times
Sandra Bastin, Annhall Norris | Oct. 7, 2020 (Major Revision)
Americans spend, on average, around 6% of their budgets on food. Knowing how to safely store foods will help you protect your investment with high quality results. Properly storing food gives you better nutrient retention, reduces waste, decreases risk of foodborne illness, and ensures fresher, better tasting food. Food held beyond the recommended storage time may still be safe, but the quality may have started to deteriorate.
FCS3-630: Savor the Flavor: Seasoning with Spices
Heather Norman-Burgdolf, Annhall Norris, Janet Tietyen-Mullins | Jun. 3, 2019 (New)
Making foods flavorful is just one of the many benefits of using spices in the kitchen. Adding salt to a dish can be the first thing that comes to mind to add flavor when something is bland, but using spices during cooking may be a more healthful choice.
FCS3-629: Savor the Flavor: Building Flavors with Herbs
Heather Norman-Burgdolf, Annhall Norris, Janet Tietyen-Mullins | May. 16, 2019 (New)
Herbs are usually what give many of our most loved foods their characteristic taste, like the boldness of a pasta sauce or the depth of a savory soup or stew. Generally, these ingredients add to the dish by providing a new dimension of flavor. Learning to use these allow us to transform meals prepared at home into even more flavorful and robust dishes.
FCS3-628: Savor the Flavor: Cooking with Oils and Vinegars
Heather Norman-Burgdolf, Annhall Norris, Janet Tietyen-Mullins | Apr. 18, 2019 (New)
Oils and vinegars are perfect for adding great flavor and health benefits to any dish. There are many different types of oils and vinegars to cook with that can be both flavorful and healthy. Oils are known for their anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties. Vinegars have been used for centuries for their "healing" properties because of the antioxidants that they contain as well. Knowing what types to use for different dishes is the best way to get started in adding more flavor to your meals.
FCS3-578: Home Canning Basics
Sandra Bastin, Annhall Norris | Mar. 22, 2019 (Minor Revision)
People choose to can foods at home for many reasons: to preserve the harvest from their gardens or local farmers markets for year-round enjoyment; to gain more control over what is in their food by limiting or avoiding salt, sugar or preservatives; to save money; to get better-tasting canned foods; to follow family traditions; or just for the sense of satisfaction that home canning provides.
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