Numbered Publications: FCS7
FCS7-185: Keys to Great Parenting: Key 7: Practice Health and Safety
Carol Gnatuk | Mar. 24, 2010 (Major Revision)
Our babies and toddlers count on us to keep them strong and safe as they move and explore. This seventh key, "Practice Health and Safety," offers specific things you can do to help make your child's life as healthy and safe as possible.
FCS7-181: Keys to Great Parenting: Key 3: Know How Your Child Develops
Carol Gnatuk | Mar. 24, 2010 (Major Revision)
Babies and toddlers grow and change at an amazing rate! Their weak muscles become stronger as they learn to roll over, sit, and walk. At first they coo, gurgle, babble, and cry in distress. Then they begin to show interest, smile, and laugh. Before you know it, they are putting words together, taking turns, and learning to share.
FCS7-183: Keys to Great Parenting: Key 5: Show Your Child the World
Carol Gnatuk | Mar. 24, 2010 (Major Revision)
From the moment your baby is born, she has active brain cells--100 billion of them. They need to make trillions of connections with each other for your child to learn as much as possible while growing. She cannot learn without help. She needs stimulation--not only from you, but everyone and everything around her. That is why this key, "Show Your Child the World," is so important.
FCS7-179: Keys to Great Parenting: Key 1: Care for Yourself
Carol Gnatuk | Mar. 24, 2010 (Major Revision)
Parents of babies and toddlers often feel tired and frazzled. They worry about doing everything exactly right. It is important to keep in mind that doing well starts with being well. You can learn to reduce stress and nurture yourself. Both you and your child will reap the benefits.
FCS7-181A: Developmental Growth Chart
Carol Gnatuk | Mar. 24, 2010 (Major Revision)
This developmental growth chart is a supplement to Know How Your Child Develops (FCS7-181) in the Keys to Great Parenting series.
FCS7-153: Parent Express: A Guide for You and Your Child 13 and 14 Months
Carol Gnatuk | Oct. 14, 2009 (Minor Revision)
You can look back over the last year with pride. You now have many memories of the times you have shared with your baby. Remember when you thought her crying would never stop? Remember the time she giggled with glee, and you felt good just enjoying her happiness? Now you and your baby are ready to move into the exciting second year.
FCS7-156: Parent Express: A Guide for You and Your Child 19 and 20 Months
Carol Gnatuk | Oct. 14, 2009 (Minor Revision)
Your child naturally enjoys learning new skills. You can support and encourage this learning not by pushing or criticizing or comparing your child with other children, but by teaching, encouraging, and celebrating her own successes.
FCS7-159: Parent Express: A Guide for You and Your Child 25 and 26 Months
Carol Gnatuk | Oct. 14, 2009 (Minor Revision)
Your little one has come a long way in two short years, and so have you. Now, she is no longer a toddler, but rather a young preschooler.
FCS7-162: Parent Express: A Guide for You and Your Child 31 and 32 Months
Carol Gnatuk | Oct. 14, 2009 (Minor Revision)
Parents are the most important adults in your child's life, but he learns from other caring adults that he can trust, love, and enjoy. They make his world varied, interesting, and exciting. Each one has something important and different to share and teach. Your little one needs these adult relationships, so do all you can to encourage them. They are a precious part of your child's life.
FCS7-154: Parent Express: A Guide for You and Your Child 15 and 16 Months
Carol Gnatuk | Oct. 14, 2009 (Minor Revision)
Help your child explore her world. A 15- or 16-month-old child moves fast. She crawls, scoots, and walks. How exciting it is for her! Her world is full of new things to touch, throw, climb on--and to fall from or knock down. Your quiet, cuddly baby has become a lively little person, and that means you have to be lively, too.