Numbered Publications: Animal and Food Sciences
ASC-182: Marketing Lamb and Goat Meat to Hispanic Retail Outlets
Terry Hutchens, Gregg Rentfrow | Mar. 15, 2011 (New)
Because of minority populations immigrating into Kentucky, the level of lamb and goat consumption could grow exponentially within the next few years. Minority populations are expected to reach 235.7 million out of a total U.S. population of 439 million, or 53 percent of the total U.S. population, by 2030. These statistics indicate a growing market for meat processors and sheep and goat products.
SR-104: 2010 Research and Extension Beef Report
Les Anderson, Darrh Bullock, Roy Burris, Lowell Bush, Blair Knight, Kevin Laurent, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Jim Matthews, Kyle McLeod, Lori Porter, Jim Randolph, Gregg Rentfrow, Keith Schillo, Meg Steinman, Jim Strickland, Laurentia Rensburg, Eric Vanzant | Mar. 11, 2011 (New)
The 2010 Research and Extension Beef Report highlights advances in understanding of basic scientific principles of livestock production as well as applied research from which producers and the industry can benefit. Extension educational programs, on-farm demonstrations, and other activities help transfer this knowledge to producers so they can adopt of management changes as appropriate.
ID-186: Managing Legume Induced Bloat in Cattle
Michelle Arnold, Roy Burris, David Ditsch, Garry Lacefield, Jeff Lehmkuhler | Mar. 10, 2011 (New)
Ruminal tympany, or bloat, can result in lost animal performance and in severe cases, death. It occurs as a result of a buildup of fermentation gases in the rumen. Bloat may be categorized as frothy bloat, which is caused by the formation of a stable foam in the rumen, or free gas bloat, which is due to excessive production of gaseous compounds from fermentation or as a result of an obstruction preventing the escape of gas compounds. Legume bloat is a frothy bloat condition.
ASC-181: Equine Infectious Anemia
Fernanda Camargo | Mar. 4, 2011 (New)
Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) is characterized by recurrent episodes of fever, lethargy, inappetence (lack of appetite) and anemia (low red blood cell count).
ID-74: Planning Fencing Systems for Intensive Grazing Management
Curtis Absher, Ken Evans, Larry Turner | Feb. 16, 2011 (Reprinted)
ASC-141: Using Expected Progeny Differences
Darrh Bullock | Feb. 10, 2011 (Major Revision)
One of the most important decisions a cattle operator makes is selecting breeding animals to go into the cattle herd. Basing that decision on the genetic merit of the animal, not just the outward appearance, is critical to the herd's long-term performance.
PR-618: 2010 Cool-Season Grass Horse Grazing Tolerance Report
Laurie Lawrence, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith | Jan. 3, 2011 (New)
Cool-season grasses such as bluegrass, tall fescue, and orchardgrass are dominant pasture grasses for horses in Kentucky. Variety evaluations for yield have been carried out for many years, but little work has been done to establish the effect of variety on persistence when subjected to close, continuous grazing by horses.
PR-617: 2010 Cool-Season Grass Grazing Tolerance Report
Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Eric Vanzant | Jan. 3, 2011 (New)
Cool-season grasses such as tall fescue and orchardgrass are the primary pasture grasses in Kentucky. Other species such as perennial ryegrass, festulolium, and prairie brome can be used in pasture systems. Little is known about the effect of variety on the grazing tolerance of these cool-season grass species.
PR-615: 2010 Alfalfa Grazing Tolerance Report
Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Ray Smith, Eric Vanzant | Dec. 15, 2010 (New)
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) is the highest yielding, highest quality forage legume grown in Kentucky. It forms the basis of Kentucky's cash hay enterprise and is an important component in dairy, horse, beef, and sheep diets. Recent emphasis on its use as a grazing crop and the release of grazing-tolerant varieties have raised the following question: Do varieties differ in tolerance to grazing? We have chosen to use the standard tolerance test recommended by the North American Alfalfa Improvement Conference. This test uses continuous heavy grazing to sort out differences in grazing tolerance in a relatively short period of time.
PR-616: 2010 Red and White Clover Grazing Tolerance Report
Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Ray Smith, Eric Vanzant | Dec. 15, 2010 (New)
Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is a high-quality, short-lived, perennial legume that is used in mixed or pure stands for pasture, hay, silage, green chop, soil improvement and wildlife habitat. This species is adapted to a wide range of climatic and soil conditions. Stands of improved varieties are generally productive for two and a half to three years, with the highest yields occurring in the year following establishment. Red clover is used primarily as a renovation legume for grass pastures. It is a dominant forage legume in Kentucky because it is relatively easy to establish and has high forage quality, high yield and animal acceptance.