Numbered Publications by Pescatore, Tony
IP-56: Assessment of the Potential for Livestock and Poultry Manure to Provide the Nutrients Removed by Crops and Forages in Kentucky
Les Anderson, Jenny Cocanougher, Richard Coffey, Bill Crist, Ron Fleming, Kim Henken, Doug Overhults, Tony Pescatore, Monroe Rasnake, Bill Thom | Feb. 5, 2025 (Revised)
Livestock and poultry manure has been used for many years to provide basic fertilizer nutrients to improve crop and forage production. In addition, it has long been known that the chemical and physical properties of soils can be improved by applications of animal manure. Because of these benefits, much of the manure produced by livestock and poultry has been and continues to be applied to cropland and pastureland. Not only does this practice benefit crop production, it also has the environmental benefit of recycling nutrients to the soil from which they originated.
ASC-250: Reemergence of Bedbugs as Poultry Pests
Jacquie Jacob, Tony Pescatore | Dec. 2, 2022 (New)
It is estimated that one of every five Americans has had a bedbug infestation at home or knows someone who has. However, today bedbug infestations are not limited to just homes. Cage-free poultry houses have been found to have problems with bedbugs, and the incidence continues to rise. This makes bedbugs another important external parasite for which poultry producers need to be wary.
ASC-232: Raising Replacement Pullets for Small-Scale Egg Production
Jacquie Jacob, Tony Pescatore | Oct. 27, 2022 (Minor Revision)
Poultry producers who raise their own replacement pullets have better control over the growth, condition, and development of the flock. The quality of the pullet flock will have a direct effect on the subsequent level of egg production. The two most important quality factors for a replacement flock are proper body weight and uniformity. Pullet weight at 6 weeks of age has been shown to influence subsequent egg production. Once the pullets start to lay, it is too late to solve problems from poor nutrition or management during the pullet rearing period.
4AJ-09PO: Kentucky 4-H Poultry Culinary Demonstration Contest: The Egg Chef Challenge
Jacquie Jacob, Tony Pescatore | Apr. 26, 2022 (Major Revision)
Participants in the Kentucky Egg-Preparation Demonstration are required to prepare a dish containing eggs while demonstrating proper food safety and cooking skills.
4AJ-08PA: Kentucky 4-H Poultry Judging Contest: Past Production Hens: Giving Oral Reasons
Jacquie Jacob, Tony Pescatore | Sep. 1, 2021 (Major Revision)
Oral reasons are a very important part of a poultry judging contest. This is the opportunity participants have to defend their placings of an egg production class. In addition, oral reasons are an important tool in the development of organization and communication skills, which in turn will build self-confidence.
4AJ-05PA: Kentucky 4-H Poultry Judging Contest: Grading Table Eggs
Jacquie Jacob, Tony Pescatore | Aug. 29, 2021 (Major Revision)
Chicken egg production is a major agricultural industry in the United States. In a commercial egg production operation, eggs are evaluated for quality before being packed by weight (size). Egg quality is independent of egg weight and eggshell color. All shell colors are graded with the same standards.
4AJ-07PA: Kentucky 4-H Poultry Judging Contest: Evaluating Past Production Hens
Jacquie Jacob, Tony Pescatore | Aug. 19, 2021 (Major Revision)
In a 4-H poultry judging contest participants are required to rank a group of four hens from the most to least productive. The criteria used in judging the hens are based on pigmentation, abdominal capacity, abdominal fat condition and molt.
4AJ-11PO: Kentucky 4-H Poultry Judging Contest: Market Poultry: Ready-to-Cook Poultry Parts Identification
Jacquie Jacob, Tony Pescatore | Aug. 18, 2021 (New)
The market poultry division now includes one class of ready-to-cook broiler carcasses to grade, one class of ready-to-cook roaster carcasses to grade, one class of parts identification, one class of parts grading, and one class of further processed boneless poultry products. Each class is worth 100 points, for a total of 500 possible points for the division. This factsheet specifically looks at the 24 possible parts that will be selected from for use in the contest. This is an increase from the 17 possible parts in previous years.
ASC-247: Broodiness in Chickens
Jacquie Jacob, Tony Pescatore | Aug. 2, 2021 (New)
Broodiness is the term used to describe a hen that is preparing to naturally incubate eggs and raise newly hatched chicks. When broodiness occurs in a hen certain behavioral changes may be evident. These changes include increasing the time spent in the nest, being overly protective of the eggs and nest, changes in the consumption of feed and water, and the stopping of egg production.
4AJ-12PO: Kentucky 4-H Poultry Judging Contest: Market Poultry: Grading to Ready to Cook Parts
Jacquie Jacob, Tony Pescatore | Aug. 2, 2021 (New)
The market poultry division now includes one class of ready-to-cook broiler carcasses to grade, one class of ready-to-cook roaster carcasses to grade, one class of parts identification, one class of parts grading, and one class of further processed boneless poultry products. Each class is worth 100 points, for a total of 500 possible points for the division. This factsheet looks at the new class of grading ready-to-cook parts.
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