Numbered Publications: Family and Consumer Sciences
FCS7-156: Parent Express: A Guide for You and Your Child 19 and 20 Months
Carol Gnatuk | Oct. 14, 2009 (Minor Revision)
Your child naturally enjoys learning new skills. You can support and encourage this learning not by pushing or criticizing or comparing your child with other children, but by teaching, encouraging, and celebrating her own successes.
FCS7-159: Parent Express: A Guide for You and Your Child 25 and 26 Months
Carol Gnatuk | Oct. 14, 2009 (Minor Revision)
Your little one has come a long way in two short years, and so have you. Now, she is no longer a toddler, but rather a young preschooler.
FCS7-162: Parent Express: A Guide for You and Your Child 31 and 32 Months
Carol Gnatuk | Oct. 14, 2009 (Minor Revision)
Parents are the most important adults in your child's life, but he learns from other caring adults that he can trust, love, and enjoy. They make his world varied, interesting, and exciting. Each one has something important and different to share and teach. Your little one needs these adult relationships, so do all you can to encourage them. They are a precious part of your child's life.
FCS7-154: Parent Express: A Guide for You and Your Child 15 and 16 Months
Carol Gnatuk | Oct. 14, 2009 (Minor Revision)
Help your child explore her world. A 15- or 16-month-old child moves fast. She crawls, scoots, and walks. How exciting it is for her! Her world is full of new things to touch, throw, climb on--and to fall from or knock down. Your quiet, cuddly baby has become a lively little person, and that means you have to be lively, too.
FCS7-157: Parent Express: A Guide for You and Your Child 21 and 22 Months
Carol Gnatuk | Oct. 14, 2009 (Minor Revision)
Playing with your child is not just plain fun. It stimulates her brain cells to connect in increasingly complex webs. That is the exciting news from the latest brain research. By taking time to have fun--with consistent love, guidance, and playfulness as you model activities and ways to move--you are laying the foundation for her lifelong learning.
FCS7-160: Parent Express: A Guide for You and Your Child 27 and 28 Months
Carol Gnatuk | Oct. 14, 2009 (Minor Revision)
Be good to yourselves. Take time out when you can and share childcare with others when you need a break. Enjoy your child's development and celebrate her accomplishments with her. Reward yourself, too, for your successes, and don't be hard on yourself for mistakes. All parents make them.
FCS7-163: Parent Express: A Guide for You and Your Child 33 and 34 Months
Carol Gnatuk | Oct. 14, 2009 (Minor Revision)
Children love to learn about themselves and their past. It helps them feel important and special. A nice thing you can do for your child and yourself is to collect and organize reminders of these early years.
4JD-01LB: 4-H Sewing Leader's Guide
Marjorie Baker | Oct. 1, 2009 (Reprinted)
The primary goal of the Kentucky 4-H Sewing program is to teach youngsters about the art and skills of using needle and thread to create useful items. This includes not only the use of a hand needle and thread but the sewing machine and the serger. Youngsters can learn to create clothing and wardrobe essentials as well as useful items for daily living.
4JD-01PB: Sewing Series: Let's Learn to Sew (Junior Level)
Marjorie Baker | Sep. 28, 2009 (Minor Revision)
The primary goal of the Kentucky 4-H Sewing program is to teach youngsters about the art and skills of using needle and thread to create useful items. This includes not only the use of a hand needle and thread but the sewing machine and the serger. Youngsters can learn to
create clothing and wardrobe essentials as well as useful items for daily living.
FCS5-103: How to Manage Credit
Sue Badenhop | Jan. 7, 2009 (Minor Revision)