Numbered Publications: Family and Consumer Sciences
FCS5-467: Selecting a Major and Career for a Sound Financial Future
Bob Flashman | Nov. 29, 2017 (New)
Many students enter college not knowing what they want to study or what their career interests are. It is common for college freshmen and sophomores to have undeclared majors. Many students change their majors throughout their college career, and for a variety of reasons. It is not surprising that they might decide on a different career than they had in mind originally. Selecting your major is something to be passionate about. You also have to have the aptitude. When making your final decision, consider the economic value of your major. How much can you earn? Will you be able to live where you want? Will your education and internship opportunities lead where you want?
HO-118: A Beginners Guide to Vegetable Gardening in Kentucky: Plans and Preparations
Rick Durham, Ken Hunter, Bethany Pratt, John Strang | Oct. 2, 2017 (New)
Begin by thinking about vegetables you and your family like to eat. Then think about what you want to grow. Some vegetables will grow better in Kentucky than others because of the average daily temperatures and amount of rainfall. It is also important to learn about the needs of each vegetable variety you are thinking about planting in your garden. Does it grow better in sun or shade? How much water does it need? What type of soil does it grow best in? Is it a cool season crop or a warm season crop?
FCS3-501: Drying Food at Home
Sandra Bastin, Debbie Clouthier, Annhall Norris | Mar. 30, 2017 (Major Revision)
Drying food at home has several advantages. It can help you save money, gain control over what's in your food, and preserve the bounty of summer gardens and orchards for your family's year-round enjoyment.
FCS3-594: Jerky Safety
Sandra Bastin | Mar. 14, 2017 (New)
Safe handling and preparation methods must always be used when preparing any type of jerky.
FCS3-591: Safe Home Canning: Altitude Adjustments
Sandra Bastin, Debbie Clouthier | Jan. 23, 2017 (Reviewed)
For safe home canning, it's important to know your altitude (or elevation), since altitude affects processing times and pressures. If you live at an altitude greater than 1,000 feet, you may need to adjust processing times or pressures to ensure the safety of your home-canned foods.
FCS3-579: Home Canning Jams, Jellies and Other Soft Spreads
Sandra Bastin, Debbie Clouthier | Jan. 23, 2017 (Reviewed)
Home canning jams, jellies, and other soft spreads is fun and satisfying. Soft spreads all contain four main ingredients (fruit, sugar, pectin, and acid), and they differ only in their consistency. The formation of a gel depends on the right amount of each of the main ingredients. If you understand the science of gelling, all your soft spreads will be a success.
FCS3-586: Home Canning Soups and Stews
Sandra Bastin, Debbie Clouthier | Jan. 23, 2017 (Reviewed)
To ensure safe, high quality home-canned products, always follow research-based recipes when canning. Safe, tested recipes for home-canned soups and stews are based on laboratory measurements of pH and heat penetration into the jars during processing, which are specific to the recipe being tested.
FCS3-581: Home Canning Salsa
Sandra Bastin, Debbie Clouthier | Jan. 23, 2017 (Reviewed)
Salsas are usually mixtures of high acid foods, such as tomatoes and/or fruit, with low acid foods, such as onions and peppers. With the addition of lemon juice, citric acid, or vinegar in the right proportion, salsa becomes a high acid food and can be safely processed in a boiling water canner. However, only research-based recipes should be used. The recipes included in this publication are research-based for safe home canning.
FCS3-593: Weighing in on Sleep
Janet Tietyen-Mullins | Dec. 20, 2016 (New)
A good night's sleep is as important as physical activity or healthy eating to maintain a healthy weight and optimum well-being. Sleep allows us to relax, restore, and revitalize our bodies and minds every night.
PR-721: 2016 Fruit and Vegetable Research Report
Doug Archbold, Ric Bessin, Jessica Bessin, Ty Cato, Steve Diver, June Johnston, Dave Lowry, Patty Lucas, Sean Lynch, Shubin Saha, Alexis Sheffield, Pam Sigler, Chris Smigell, John Snyder, John Strang, Ginny Travis, Joseph Tucker, John Walsh, Neil Wilson, Dwight Wolfe | Dec. 13, 2016 (New)
Fruit and vegetable production continues to show sustained growth in Kentucky. As the industry grows around a diverse collection of marketing tactics (wholesale, farmers markets, CSAs, and direct to restaurants) as well as various production systems, there continues to be a need for applied practical information to support the industry.