Numbered Publications: Community and Leadership Development
CLD4-3: Identifying Extension Program Outcomes
Omolola Adedokun | Nov. 1, 2024 (New)
The goal of Extension is to translate research into actionable knowledge and skills that clients can use to effect behavior change and improve their lives, livelihoods, and communities. However, Extension faces stricter requirements for accountability and increasing demand for impact documentation to justify continued funding. Hence, Extension evaluation has become much more outcome and impact driven.
CLD4-4: Writing Effective Success Stories
Omolola Adedokun | Nov. 1, 2024 (New)
A success story is a tool for communicating program impacts with stakeholders including local, state, and federal legislators; county leaders; advisory groups; university administrators; program partners; and funding agencies. An effective success story is brief and concise—it should be about three-quarters of a page and no more than a page. An important key to writing a compelling success story is to answer four core questions: What was the issue, need, or opportunity that the Extension program or outreach addressed? What did Extension do (and who did Extension partner with) to address the issue or opportunity? Who participated or benefitted from Extension’s efforts to address the issue or opportunity? What changes occurred in individuals, groups, families, businesses, or in the community because of Extension’s efforts?
4LE-09LO: Chinese Dumplings
Rachel Guidugli | Nov. 4, 2021 (New)
Dumplings are a type of food that is prepared and enjoyed all over the world. Dumplings can be a stuffing wrapped in a thin dough or pieces of dough cooked in boiling water. Dumplings can be boiled, fried, steamed and prepared in many different ways. Just like bread, dumplings probably arose independently in several cuisines. And in all likelihood, they were invented as a way to stretch a small amount of meat to feed more people.
4LE-10LO: Argentina: Empanadas
Nicole Breazeale, Rachel Guidugli | Nov. 4, 2021 (New)
Empanadas are hand-held pies stuffed with a variety of delicious fillings that are extremely common in Latin America. Rich and poor alike serve them for impromptu dinners, stick them in lunch boxes, and enjoy them at public gatherings. Home cooks teach their children to make empanadas using special family recipes, but they also buy them from a multitude of shops, where you can often find a dizzying array of filling options (both sweet and savory). Sometimes they are fried and sometimes they are baked.
CLD2-1-ANR: Understanding Your Organization's Culture: ANR Facilitator's Guide
Kristina Hains, Janet Johnson | Jan. 19, 2021 (New)
Effective leaders have a profound effect upon the culture of their organizations. Leaders hire and fire, determine policies, and are organizational role models. All of these factors impact an organization's culture. Therefore, it is important that leaders understand the basics behind culture and how to influence it toward desired results.
CLD3-4-FG: Why Form a Coalition? Facilitator's Guide
Daniel Kahl | Aug. 6, 2020 (New)
Working in partnership with others brings expanded expertise, resources and networks to any initiative. When addressing difficult and complex community issues, sustained solutions often require the support and investment of many community members. But working in a coalition means giving up some of the credit and control. Working in a coalition is one way to organize to work on shared outcomes, but is it the right way? This guide will help a group reflect on the pressing question: Why form a Coalition?
CLD3-3: Building Your Marketing Toolkit
Jennifer Bridge, Ken Culp, Janet Johnson | May. 8, 2019 (Major Revision)
To begin assembling your organization's marketing toolkit, ask the following question: What are the most basic and useful tools that could be implemented to market our organization, its programs and activities?
CLD3-2: Delivering Your Marketing Message: Planning Productive Promotions
Jennifer Bridge, Ken Culp, Janet Johnson | May. 8, 2019 (Major Revision)
Effective marketing messages build awareness and interest in an organization's programs, products, and services. Successful promotions begin with a plan to deliver the right message to the right people for greatest participation and impact.
CLD3-1: Marketing Your Organization: The Power of Image
Jennifer Bridge, Ken Culp, Janet Johnson | Mar. 27, 2019 (Major Revision)
Communities embrace and support organizations that implement an effective marketing plan. An effective marketing plan helps organizations communicate their purpose and build an image through branding.
CLD2-14: Understanding Community Health Through a Policy, Systems, and Environment Approach
Daniel Kahl | Aug. 14, 2018 (New)
Communities can host a complex array of interacting organizations, programs, services and resources. The existing policies, systems, and environments that impact the health of community members can be a confusing maze of physical attributes, organizational systems, and rules that govern behavior. This document will help Cooperative Extension agents and health advocates by teasing apart the complexity of community living to identify assets and barriers to community health. The document also explores the importance of engaging community members in the process of community health asset identification and improvement.
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